Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats, and provide an example for each strategy. Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats. Discuss the impact of the different strategies for threats versus opportunities with regard to risk responses.


Option #1: Five Strategies to Deal with Threats

Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats, and provide an example for each strategy. Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats. Discuss the impact of the different strategies for threats versus opportunities with regard to risk responses.

PMI, in section, has identified the following strategies to deal with threats:

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Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats, and provide an example for each strategy. Discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each of the five strategies for dealing with threats. Discuss the impact of the different strategies for threats versus opportunities with regard to risk responses.
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  • Escalate
  • Avoid
  • Transfer
  • Mitigate
  • Accept

Be sure to properly organize your writing and include a cover page, an introduction, headings / subheadings for the body of your work, analysis and recommendations, a conclusion, and a list of references. Consult this assignment template for a more complete list of requirements: http://csuglobal.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=21534702 (Links to an external site.).

Your paper should be 3-4 pages (900-1200 words) in length (not including the title and references pages) and conform to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.). Include at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.

Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment grading rubric below for more information on assignment expectations and grading.


 Strategies for Dealing with Threats: Analysis and Importance


In project management, the ability to effectively address threats is crucial for successful project completion. The Project Management Institute (PMI) identifies five strategies to deal with threats: escalate, avoid, transfer, mitigate, and accept. This paper aims to discuss, analyze, and indicate the importance of each strategy in managing threats. Additionally, the impact of these strategies in contrast to opportunities concerning risk responses will be explored.


The strategy of escalating a threat involves informing higher levels of authority to seek their intervention and support in addressing the issue. This strategy is crucial when the project team lacks the necessary expertise or resources to mitigate the threat effectively (Defontaine, 2023). Escalation is particularly important in situations where the threat could have severe consequences for the project’s success.

Example: In a software development project, if the team encounters a critical security vulnerability that exceeds their technical capabilities, escalating the issue to the organization’s cybersecurity experts or management can ensure the threat is adequately addressed.


The avoid strategy aims to eliminate the occurrence or impact of a threat by altering project plans or avoiding the risk altogether. This strategy is significant when the potential risk outweighs the potential benefits of pursuing the project. By avoiding the threat, the project team can minimize the impact on the project’s objectives and deliverables.

Example: A construction project planning to build in a region prone to frequent earthquakes may decide to avoid the threat altogether by selecting an alternative location that offers a lower risk of seismic activity.


Transferring a threat involves shifting the responsibility or impact of the risk to a third party. This strategy is effective when the potential impact of the threat can be mitigated by involving external entities with more expertise or resources. Transferring a threat can provide a level of insurance or support that the project team may lack (C. Team, 2023).

Example: When conducting an international project, a company may transfer the risk of currency fluctuations to a financial institution through hedging or other financial instruments, reducing the project’s vulnerability to exchange rate fluctuations.


Mitigation involves taking proactive actions to reduce the probability and impact of a threat. It focuses on implementing measures that minimize the likelihood of the threat occurring or reduce its potential consequences. Mitigation is an essential strategy for threats that are difficult to avoid or transfer.

Example: To mitigate the risk of delays in a construction project due to adverse weather conditions, the project team can implement measures such as monitoring weather forecasts, developing contingency plans, and constructing temporary structures to protect ongoing work from rain or snow.


Accepting a threat means acknowledging the existence of the risk and its potential impact without taking further action. This strategy is appropriate when the cost or effort required to address the threat outweighs the potential consequences. Accepting a threat should only be considered after a thorough evaluation of its potential impact and the project’s risk tolerance (Kenton, 2022).

Example: In a product development project, the team may accept the risk of a competitor launching a similar product in the market, understanding that it is beyond their control and the potential impact can be managed through other strategic actions.

Analysis and Recommendations

Each strategy holds importance based on the specific context of the project and the associated threats. It is crucial to analyze the potential risks and evaluate the feasibility, impact, and effectiveness of each strategy before deciding on the appropriate response.

When comparing the strategies for threats versus opportunities, it is important to note that the response to threats focuses on minimizing negative impacts or avoiding risks, whereas responses to opportunities aim to maximize positive outcomes. The strategies may overlap to some extent, but the emphasis on risk avoidance and reduction is more pronounced in threat management.


The PMI’s identified strategies for dealing with threats provide project managers with a comprehensive toolkit to address and mitigate risks effectively. Each strategy has its own significance, and the choice depends on the specific characteristics of the threat, the project’s objectives, and the available resources. By understanding and applying these strategies appropriately, project managers can enhance their ability to navigate challenges and ensure successful project outcomes.


Defontaine, C. (2023, June 21). Setting up early warning and response systems to prevent violent conflicts and save lives. World Bank Blogs. https://blogs.worldbank.org/dev4peace/setting-early-warning-and-response-systems-prevent-violent-conflicts-and-save-lives 

Kenton, W. (2022). Accepting Risk: Definition, How It Works, and Alternatives. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/accepting-risk.asp 

Team, C. (2023). Risk Transfer. Corporate Finance Institute. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/risk-management/risk-transfer/ 


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