Select an electrolyte from the list in the document linked below. Using references that you may already have identified, indicate conditions caused by too much or too little of that electrolyte. In the first column with the identified electrolyte write the normal lab value range and cause of imbalance. After you have identified the hyper- and hypo- conditions, also identify treatment of those conditions.

Table of Contents


Select an electrolyte from the list in the document linked below. Using references that you may already have identified, indicate conditions caused by too much or too little of that electrolyte. In the first column with the identified electrolyte write the normal lab value range and cause of imbalance. After you have identified the hyper- and hypo- conditions, also identify treatment of those conditions.

After you have identified the hyper- and hypo- conditions, also identify treatment of those conditions.

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Select an electrolyte from the list in the document linked below. Using references that you may already have identified, indicate conditions caused by too much or too little of that electrolyte. In the first column with the identified electrolyte write the normal lab value range and cause of imbalance. After you have identified the hyper- and hypo- conditions, also identify treatment of those conditions.
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Use at least one scholarly source to support your findings. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format.

You can find useful reference materials for this assignment, such as a lab values book, in the School of Nursing guide:

Have questions about APA? Visit the online APA guide:


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