MS EXCEL Activity
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MS EXCEL Activity Read through all of the instructions before starting. Problem: You have conducted a survey and have asked people what their soda preferences are. Follow the instructions below to complete the exam. 1. Open the file X5-Data.xlsx and save the file as yourname_Q5.xlsx. (AdrianaGonzalez 2. Merge and Center cells across A1:E1. Font: Broadway, Size: 28 3. Center all columns 4. Bold Titles in Row 3 Bold Totals in cell A16.
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Problem: You have conducted a survey and have asked people what their soda preferences are. Follow the instructions below to complete the exam.
1. Open the file X5-Data.xlsx and save the file as yourname_Q5.xlsx. (AdrianaGonzalez
2. Merge and Center cells across A1:E1. Font: Broadway, Size: 28
3. Center all columns
4. Bold Titles in Row 3 Bold Totals in cell A16.
5. Calculate the following
The total surveyed on cell B16 and D16
% 1st preference percent = 1st preference / 3000
% 2nd preference percent = 2nd preference / 3000
Be sure to set up the format to % and 2 decimal places
6. Use conditional formatting to highlight the drink, that is greater than or equal to 10% in the % 1st preference column. Format the cells RED with a bold white colored font
7. Place a double line border around the table.
8. Insert a clipart image to the right of the table.
9. Insert a pie chart using 2nd preference % and their corresponding drink. Ensure that there are data labels on the chart.
10.Place the chart under the table.
11.Change Page Setup to Landscape.
12.Format the table with your preferences.
13.Adjust columns widths and row heights
14.Change the name of the worksheet to Fizzy Survey and color the tab RED
15.Change the document properties to include
Your Name(Adriana Gonzalez)
Course number/ID (CGS1030)
16.Save your changes, close the worksheet and submit it.
Soda Preference Survey Analysis in MS Excel
In this activity, we will analyze the results of a survey on soda preferences using MS Excel. The instructions will guide us through various tasks such as formatting, calculations, conditional formatting, chart creation, and customization. Let’s begin!
Step 1: Opening and Saving the File
Open the file “X5-Data.xlsx” and save it as “AdrianaGonzalez_Q5.xlsx” to create a personalized version for analysis.
Step 2: Merging and Centering Cells
Merge and center cells A1 to E1 to create a title for our analysis. Apply the following formatting: Font – Broadway, Size – 28.
Step 3: Centering All Columns
Select all columns in the worksheet and apply center alignment to ensure a neat and organized appearance.
Step 4: Formatting Titles and Totals
In row 3, make the title text bold to distinguish it from the rest of the data. Also, make the totals in cell A16 bold to highlight their significance.
Step 5: Calculation of Percentages
Calculate the following percentages:
– Total surveyed: Count the number of responses and display the result in cell B16.
– % 1st preference: Divide the number of first preference responses by 3000 and display the result as a percentage with 2 decimal places.
– % 2nd preference: Divide the number of second preference responses by 3000 and display the result as a percentage with 2 decimal places.
Step 6: Conditional Formatting
Apply conditional formatting to highlight drinks in the % 1st preference column that are equal to or greater than 10%. Format these cells in red with a bold white colored font.
Step 7: Applying a Double Line Border
Select the table and apply a double line border to distinguish it from the surrounding cells.
Step 8: Inserting a Clipart Image
Insert a clipart image to the right of the table to enhance visual appeal and engagement. Choose an image that is relevant to soda or beverages.
Step 9: Creating a Pie Chart
Create a pie chart to visualize the second preference percentages and their corresponding drinks. Ensure that the chart includes data labels for clear identification.
Step 10: Placing the Chart Below the Table
Move the pie chart below the table for better organization and presentation.
Step 11: Changing Page Setup
Change the Page Setup to Landscape orientation to optimize the use of space and accommodate the table and chart effectively.
Step 12: Customizing the Table with Preferences
Personalize the table by inputting your own soda preferences or any other relevant data. This step allows you to add a personal touch to the analysis.
Step 13: Adjusting Column Widths and Row Heights
Modify the column widths and row heights as necessary to ensure the data is clearly visible and well-structured. This step helps in achieving a balanced layout.
Step 14: Changing the Worksheet Name and Tab Color
Change the name of the worksheet to “Fizzy Survey” to accurately reflect the purpose of the analysis. Additionally, color the worksheet tab red to make it easily identifiable.
Step 15: Updating Document Properties
Update the document properties to include your name (Adriana Gonzalez) and the course number/ID (CGS1030). This step provides proper attribution and identification.
Step 16: Saving and Closing the Worksheet
Save your changes to the worksheet, ensuring that all modifications and customizations are intact. Finally, close the worksheet and submit it as required.
By following the provided instructions, we have successfully analyzed the soda preference survey using MS Excel. The analysis included merging cells, centering columns, applying formatting, calculating percentages, using conditional formatting, creating a chart, and customizing the table. The resulting worksheet presents the survey data in an organized and visually appealing manner, allowing for easy interpretation and understanding. Remember to save your changes and submit the completed worksheet for assessment.