Heart Rate Variability and Stress Lab LAB FORMAT Cover Page will include KIN Class Number Class Title Title of Lab (Lab write-up must have a descriptive title) Name Concordia University



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Heart Rate Variability and Stress Lab LAB FORMAT Cover Page will include KIN Class Number Class Title Title of Lab (Lab write-up must have a descriptive title) Name Concordia University
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KIN Class Number

Class Title

Title of Lab

(Lab write-up must have a descriptive title)


Concordia University

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*** Write in clear and concise language. ***


Why was the lab done? What is the concept or theory being tested?

You should review relevant literature regarding the concept or theory being tested.

Need to utilize information from the textbook, readings, lecture, and outside sources as relevant. This is important, and it must be done


What is the purpose of the lab test or experience?

How does the test or experience relate back to the theory or concept being explored?


What do you expect to happen based on theory and previous research?

Need to utilize information from the textbook, readings, lecture, and outside sources as relevant.

Null Hypothesis and Alternate Hypotheses should be stated


Sample: There should be a description of the sample including descriptive statistics.

Study Design: This section describes in logical order how the lab was done.

Measurements: These are step by step instructions on how to do each measurement needed to do the experiment.

Statistical Analysis: This will describe each statistical test planned and its purpose.

*If done well, the reader will be able to replicate the lab or experiment based on the description provide.


This section should follow the Methods – Statistical Analysis section.

This section will usually include data Tables, Figures, and perhaps Graphs.

This section will present the raw data and any statistical calculations that are done.

The interpretation of each statistical calculation should be done.


An analysis of the results from the lab to address the research questions is done.

Relate the results to back to previous literature and theory from textbook or other sources.

How do the data and results presented reflect or replicate what has previously been reported?

Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the study as conducted.

Conclude by answering: Was the purpose of the lab met and was the hypothesis proven or disproven?


Cover Page

KIN Class Number: [Insert KIN class number]
Class Title: [Insert Class Title]
Title of Lab: [Insert Lab Title]
Name: [Insert Your Name]
Concordia University


The purpose of this lab was to [state the purpose of the lab test or experience]. In order to understand the concept or theory being tested, it is important to review relevant literature from the textbook, readings, lectures, and outside sources. By conducting this lab, we aimed to explore and apply the knowledge gained from these sources.


The purpose of this lab test or experience was to [explain the purpose in detail]. This test or experience is directly related to the theory or concept being explored because [provide an explanation of how it relates back to the theory or concept]. By conducting this lab, we aimed to gain practical insights and validate the theoretical principles discussed in the course materials.


Based on the theory and previous research, we formulated the following hypotheses:

Null Hypothesis: [State the null hypothesis]
Alternate Hypothesis: [State the alternate hypothesis]

The hypotheses were developed by considering the information from the textbook, readings, lectures, and relevant outside sources. These hypotheses provided a framework for our expectations and guided our analysis of the results.



The sample used in this lab consisted of [describe the sample and include relevant descriptive statistics]. This information provides an understanding of the characteristics of the participants or objects involved in the experiment.

Study Design

The lab was conducted using a [describe the study design and its logical order]. The steps taken during the lab were carefully planned to ensure a systematic and valid exploration of the research questions.


The following measurements were performed to conduct the experiment [provide step-by-step instructions for each measurement]. These instructions are detailed and clear, allowing the reader to replicate the lab or experiment accurately.

Statistical Analysis

Several statistical tests were planned to analyze the data collected in this lab. These tests included [describe each statistical test planned and its purpose]. The purpose of each statistical test was to extract meaningful insights and determine the significance of the results.


Following the Methods and Statistical Analysis section, the results of the lab are presented. This section includes data tables, figures, and graphs that illustrate the raw data and any statistical calculations performed. Each statistical calculation is interpreted and discussed in the subsequent section.


The analysis of the results obtained from the lab addresses the research questions and provides insights into the theory or concept being explored. The results are related back to the previous literature and theory from the textbook or other sources, highlighting their consistency or deviation from prior findings. By considering the strengths and weaknesses of the study, we can evaluate the validity and reliability of the results.

Based on the results presented, it can be observed that [provide a comprehensive analysis of the results]. The findings of this lab align with or diverge from previous reports in the literature, which suggests [discuss the implications and significance of the results]. It is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study, such as [identify the weaknesses and constraints].

In conclusion, the purpose of the lab was met by [summarize the extent to which the purpose was achieved]. The hypothesis was either proven or disproven, indicating [provide a concise summary of the outcome]. This lab provided valuable insights into the theory or concept being tested, further strengthening our understanding of the subject matter

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