You need to first read this article: And then create a PowerPoint for the section called Basic information and political geography. Here is the guideline for PowerPoint Have a clearly written title page (firstslide) with the names of the presenters. Prepare and introduce a brief outline of your talk at the beginning. Use a white or light-colour background for all slides for contrast and visibility; avoid

  1. You need to first read this article:
  2. And then create a PowerPoint for the section called Basic information and political geography.
  3. Here is the guideline for PowerPoint
  4. Have a clearly written title page (firstslide) with the names of the presenters.
  5. Prepare and introduce a brief outline of your talk at the beginning.
  6. Use a white or light-colour background for all slides for contrast and visibility; avoid

dark background colours at all times. Use a font size and style that are easy for eyes.

  1. Use short text and clear image(s) on each screen to capture the attention of your audience. Make sure that the text and the image(s) are relevant and complement

each other.

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You need to first read this article: And then create a PowerPoint for the section called Basic information and political geography. Here is the guideline for PowerPoint Have a clearly written title page (firstslide) with the names of the presenters. Prepare and introduce a brief outline of your talk at the beginning. Use a white or light-colour background for all slides for contrast and visibility; avoid
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  1. Do not overload each slide with too many images and too much text. Remember that

your audience is listening to you, looking at your slides and processing at the same time what they are hearing and what they are seeing. So, busy slides will not be helpful in this mission.

  1. Use images that are informative, have high-resolution and are clearly labeled. You should provide the source of your images clearly on each slide.
  2. You need to provide a full bibliography at the end of your presentation to show the sources (books, journal papers, Web pages and Internet sites) you have utilized in your research and in preparing your talk.


More detailed guidelines:

  1. Basic information about the river(s):

Where it is located (continent, sub-continent, peninsula, etc.); where it starts (headwaters) and where it terminates (the ocean or sea it empties into); its length, and approximate area of its overall basin; main tributaries; average water discharge rate.

  1. Political geography:

Which countries / nations share the river (transboundary nations); what are the upstream and downstream countries; what are some of the most important cities and settlements along the river; what are the economic statuses of these transboundary river neighbours.


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