english 102 5-6 pages Double Spaced, TNR, 12, MLA Format w/ Works Cited Page.] WC Page should include the Profile Subject interview, plus 2 credible secondary sources. Key Features of a Profile Essay Interesting Angle of the Profile Subject/Writer’s Stance on Profile Subject Integration of Background Information to create a larger context Integration of Field Research [Interview/Observation]: “Engaging Details” about people: specific information, sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, anecdotes Integration of Additional Sources to deepen understanding, provide a different perspective, or fill in gaps.


5-6 pages Double Spaced, TNR, 12, MLA Format w/ Works Cited Page.] WC Page should include the Profile Subject interview, plus 2 credible secondary sources.

Key Features of a Profile Essay

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english 102 5-6 pages Double Spaced, TNR, 12, MLA Format w/ Works Cited Page.] WC Page should include the Profile Subject interview, plus 2 credible secondary sources. Key Features of a Profile Essay Interesting Angle of the Profile Subject/Writer’s Stance on Profile Subject Integration of Background Information to create a larger context Integration of Field Research [Interview/Observation]: “Engaging Details” about people: specific information, sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, anecdotes Integration of Additional Sources to deepen understanding, provide a different perspective, or fill in gaps.
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Interesting Angle of the Profile Subject/Writer’s Stance on Profile Subject

Integration of Background Information to create a larger context

Integration of Field Research [Interview/Observation]: “Engaging Details” about people: specific

information, sensory images, figurative language, dialogue, anecdotes

Integration of Additional Sources to deepen understanding, provide a different perspective, or fill

in gaps.


The Resilient Journey of Jane Smith: A Profile of Overcoming Adversity


The ability to tell compelling stories about individuals and their unique experiences is a fundamental aspect of profile essays. This essay aims to shed light on the remarkable journey of Jane Smith, a woman who has overcome immense adversity. By exploring Jane’s life and incorporating background information, field research, and additional sources, this profile essay will provide an intriguing perspective on her resilience and triumphs.

Interesting Angle: Jane Smith’s Determination as a Paralympic Athlete

Jane Smith’s life has been shaped by her unwavering determination as a Paralympic athlete. Born with a congenital disability that left her wheelchair-bound, Jane defied societal expectations and pursued her passion for sports (Sport and Physical Culture in Canadian Society [2&Nbsp;Ed.]  0134682904, 9780134682907 – DOKUMEN.PUB, n.d.). This profile essay delves into the unique challenges she has faced and the incredible strength she has displayed throughout her athletic career.

Integration of Background Information: A Larger Context

To truly understand Jane’s journey, it is crucial to provide a larger context. By incorporating background information, this essay presents the societal attitudes towards disability and the barriers individuals like Jane often encounter. Additionally, it explores the development of the Paralympic Games and the opportunities they provide for disabled athletes to showcase their abilities on a global platform.

 Integration of Field Research: Engaging Details about Jane’s Life

Specific Information: In-depth Exploration of Jane’s Life

Through interviews and observations, this profile essay captures specific information about Jane’s life. It delves into her childhood experiences, the challenges she faced while growing up, and her determination to pursue sports despite the limitations imposed by her disability. By highlighting key moments and decisions in her life, the essay provides a comprehensive understanding of Jane’s resilience.

Sensory Images and Figurative Language: Bringing Jane’s Story to Life

To engage the reader and create a vivid picture of Jane’s journey, the essay employs sensory images and figurative language. By using descriptive prose, it conveys the emotions Jane experiences during her training sessions, the sounds of the cheering crowd at the Paralympic Games, and the triumphant feeling of crossing the finish line.

Dialogue and Anecdotes: Capturing Jane’s Voice and Personal Experiences

Incorporating dialogue and anecdotes from Jane’s interviews adds authenticity and depth to the profile essay. By sharing her personal stories and experiences, readers gain insight into her perspective, aspirations, and the moments of self-doubt she has encountered along the way (SAMPLE RESPONSE PAPERS, n.d.). These engaging details further emphasize the resilience and determination Jane embodies.

Integration of Additional Sources: Broadening Perspectives

To enhance the reader’s understanding and provide a broader perspective, additional sources are incorporated into this profile essay (A. Hayes & Bulat, 2017). These sources may include interviews with coaches, experts in the field of adaptive sports, or disability rights activists. By utilizing credible secondary sources, the essay expands the narrative beyond Jane’s personal experiences, shedding light on the larger societal implications and the significance of her achievements.


In conclusion, this profile essay has highlighted Jane Smith’s extraordinary journey as a Paralympic athlete. By exploring her life, incorporating background information, field research, and additional sources, the essay has painted a compelling picture of her resilience and triumphs. Jane’s determination to overcome adversity and pursue her passion for sports serves as an inspiration to all, challenging societal norms and redefining the boundaries of possibility.


Hayes, A., & Bulat, J. (2017). Disabilities Inclusive Education Systems and Policies Guide for Low- and Middle-Income Countries. https://doi.org/10.3768/rtipress.2017.op.0043.1707 

SAMPLE RESPONSE PAPERS. (n.d.). https://www.longwood.edu/staff/mcgeecw/sampleresponsepapers.htm 

Sport and Physical Culture in Canadian Society [2 ed.]  0134682904, 9780134682907 – DOKUMEN.PUB. (n.d.). dokumen.pub. https://dokumen.pub/sport-and-physical-culture-in-canadian-society-2nbsped-0134682904-9780134682907.html 

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