My project idea Change is something that is required occasionally in an organization to meet an organizational goal, to make a difference or to try something new. But every new initiative taken by the organizations doesn’t turn out to be well in an organization. Some new changes and initiatives might just not work, and employees might resist the change.

Table of Contents


My project idea

Change is something that is required occasionally in an organization to meet an organizational goal, to make a difference or to try something new. But every new initiative taken by the organizations doesn’t turn out to be well in an organization. Some new changes and initiatives might just not work, and employees might resist the change. Hence, the project idea I would like to propose is from my workplace focusing on the issues emerging from a change in management. my previous manager at my workplace left the job due to some personal health problems. With no manager in charge only with the supervisor, the cafe was struggling with managing and organizing so a new manager was hired for organizational improvement. With the change in the management system comes the new policy and few things were improved but issues like understaffing, employee satisfaction arose with the new management system and employees find it hard to cope with the new work environment.

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My project idea Change is something that is required occasionally in an organization to meet an organizational goal, to make a difference or to try something new. But every new initiative taken by the organizations doesn’t turn out to be well in an organization. Some new changes and initiatives might just not work, and employees might resist the change.
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Your report submission should include the following elements, in this order:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures and tables (Executive summary)
  • Introduction that includes a problem statement, scope of the project and report
  • Background methodology (what you did to uncover information, including why you selected the methods you used)
  • Definitions (if needed by the audience)
  • Limitations
  • Findings (the facts, data, and information you collected)
  • Cost/benefit analysis, feasibility assessment
  • At least one original visual element, such as a graph or table. At least two total visuals.
  • Conclusions (with your analysis and explanation of the findings)
  • Recommendations (the steps you are recommending your client take based on the findings and conclusions section). Remember that a recommendation that no action be taken is perfectly valid.
  • References

  •  Title Page

       – Project Title: “Impact of Change in Management on Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Performance: A Case Study”

       – Your Name and Contact Information

       – Date of Submission

     Table of Contents

       – List of Sections and Subsections with Page Numbers

    List of Figures and Tables (Executive Summary)

       – Provide a brief overview of the figures and tables used in the report and their corresponding page numbers.


       – Problem Statement: Clearly state the problem you are addressing, which is the impact of the change in management on employee satisfaction and organizational performance.

       – Scope of the Project: Define the boundaries of your project, including the specific aspects of the change in management you will be focusing on and the time period covered.

       – Objectives: State the goals you aim to achieve through this project.

    Background and Methodology

       – Provide background information on the previous manager’s departure and the subsequent hiring of a new manager.

       – Explain the methodology used to gather information and uncover the issues, such as surveys, interviews, or observation.

       – Justify why you selected these methods and how they helped in collecting relevant data.


       – Define any key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to your audience.


       – Discuss any limitations or constraints that might have affected the project, such as a limited sample size or time constraints.


       – Present the facts, data, and information you collected during your research.

       – Highlight the issues of understaffing, employee satisfaction, and difficulties in adapting to the new work environment.

    Cost/Benefit Analysis and Feasibility Assessment

       – Assess the costs and benefits associated with the change in management.

       – Analyze the feasibility of implementing strategies to address the identified issues.

    Visual Elements

        – Include at least one original visual element, such as a graph or table, to illustrate your findings or support your analysis.

        – You can include additional visuals, such as charts or diagrams, if they help convey information effectively.


        – Summarize the findings and key points discussed in the report.

        – Provide an analysis and explanation of the impact of the change in management on employee satisfaction and organizational performance.


        – Based on the findings and conclusions, suggest specific steps that the organization can take to address the identified issues.

        – Consider both short-term and long-term recommendations.

        – If appropriate, include a recommendation for no action if the findings indicate that it is the best course of action.


        – Include a list of sources cited in the report, following the appropriate citation format.

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