Visit The Better Drinks Company at: Visit some of the brands associated with the Better Drinks Company at these websites: Browse through the sites and answer the following questions.

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Visit The Better Drinks Company at: <>

Visit some of the brands associated with the Better Drinks Company at these websites:

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Visit The Better Drinks Company at: Visit some of the brands associated with the Better Drinks Company at these websites: Browse through the sites and answer the following questions.
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Browse through the sites and answer the following questions.

1. In 20 words or less, write a mission or vision statement for Charlie’s or Phoenix Organics

NB: Good mission statements always address the following questions:

  • What business is the company in?
  • What is the company’s primary purpose?
  • What does it intend to achieve?
  • What customers should it serve?
  • How should the company develop its capabilities and focus its efforts?

2. Explain why this statement will provide a strategic direction for the company

3. Charlie’s was the original company and they acquired Phoenix Organics some time later. Why was the acquisition of Phoenix Organics a good strategic and philosophical fit for Charlie’s?

4. What evidence do you see of market development, product development & market penetration strategies used by The Better Drinks Company?

5. What recommendations would you make to The Better Drinks Company in terms of continued market development, product development & market penetration?

6. What opportunities do you see for diversification? What would drive such diversification?


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