The city government of Nessville has been notified by federal authorities of an impending security threat in the form of a pandemic viral flu that has already decimated other urban areas. There is a further notification that a fundamentalist religious group has taken the pandemic’s progression as a sign of the “end of the world” and has actively organized domestic terrorist cells in opposition to government authority. In response, the city government has invoked a local emergency status that relies upon security personnel responsible

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The city government of Nessville has been notified by federal authorities of an impending security threat in the form of a pandemic viral flu that has already decimated other urban areas. There is a further notification that a fundamentalist religious group has taken the pandemic’s progression as a sign of the “end of the world” and has actively organized domestic terrorist cells in opposition to government authority. In response, the city government has invoked a local emergency status that relies upon security personnel responsible

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The city government of Nessville has been notified by federal authorities of an impending security threat in the form of a pandemic viral flu that has already decimated other urban areas. There is a further notification that a fundamentalist religious group has taken the pandemic’s progression as a sign of the “end of the world” and has actively organized domestic terrorist cells in opposition to government authority. In response, the city government has invoked a local emergency status that relies upon security personnel responsible
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Create a 10-slides presentation detailing a security response plan based on the scenarios and institutions-Hospital. The plan should include staffing requirements, communications, and equipment.

Hospital – Containing 700 beds, the hospital serves as a major trauma center; air evacuation is available.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Please have speaker notes of each slide they prepared.


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