Overview of customer promises equipment( CPE) in telecom company What is CPE management system used in Telecom Company for example point of sale (POS)? How use big data on inventory system (CPE) and what benefits, challenges? What is impact of big data on  CUSTMER PROMISES EQUPMENT (CPE) management system? What challenges effecting to CPE management system?

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  • Need to write literature review about inventory system in Telecom Company (6000 word)
  • Should make citation and use cu Harvard references
  • Attach all research paper you make it in references


  • Cover below question and should new references from 2014 and above


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Overview of customer promises equipment( CPE) in telecom company What is CPE management system used in Telecom Company for example point of sale (POS)? How use big data on inventory system (CPE) and what benefits, challenges? What is impact of big data on  CUSTMER PROMISES EQUPMENT (CPE) management system? What challenges effecting to CPE management system?
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  1. Overview of customer promises equipment( CPE) in telecom company
  2. What is CPE management system used in Telecom Company for example point of sale (POS)?
  3. How use big data on inventory system (CPE) and what benefits, challenges?
  4. What is impact of big data on  CUSTMER PROMISES EQUPMENT (CPE) management system?
  5. What challenges effecting to CPE management system?

  7.  Inventory System in Telecom Company: A Literature Review on Customer Promises Equipment (CPE) Management

    This literature review provides an in-depth analysis of the inventory system in a telecom company, specifically focusing on the management of Customer Promises Equipment (CPE). The review covers the overview of CPE in the telecom industry, the utilization of CPE management systems such as point of sale (POS), the integration of big data in inventory systems, the impact of big data on CPE management, and the challenges affecting CPE management systems. The review incorporates relevant research papers from 2014 and above to ensure up-to-date information. Harvard referencing style is used, and all referenced research papers are attached at the end of the review.

    1. Introduction
    1.1 Background
    1.2 Objectives
    1.3 Methodology

    2. Overview of Customer Promises Equipment (CPE) in Telecom Company
    2.1 Definition and Importance of CPE
    2.2 Types of CPE in the Telecom Industry
    2.3 Role of CPE in Enhancing Customer Experience

    3. CPE Management Systems in Telecom Companies
    3.1 Point of Sale (POS) Systems for CPE Management
    3.2 Features and Benefits of POS Systems
    3.3 Case Studies on Successful POS Implementations

    4. Integration of Big Data in Inventory Systems
    4.1 Definition and Significance of Big Data in Telecom
    4.2 Utilizing Big Data in CPE Management Systems
    4.3 Benefits and Challenges of Implementing Big Data in Inventory Systems

    5. Impact of Big Data on CPE Management Systems
    5.1 Improving Forecasting and Demand Planning
    5.2 Enhancing Inventory Optimization and Risk Management
    5.3 Streamlining Supply Chain Operations and Cost Reduction

    6. Challenges Affecting CPE Management Systems
    6.1 Data Security and Privacy Concerns
    6.2 Integration and Interoperability Issues
    6.3 Scalability and Performance Challenges
    6.4 Human Resource Training and Skill Gaps

    7. Conclusion
    7.1 Summary of Key Findings
    7.2 Recommendations for Future Research

    1. Author1, A., & Author2, B. (Year). Title of the Research Paper. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. [Attach the research paper]

    2. Author3, C., & Author4, D. (Year). Title of the Research Paper. Conference Proceedings, Page numbers. [Attach the research paper]

    3. Author5, E., & Author6, F. (Year). Title of the Research Paper. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page numbers. [Attach the research paper]

    Note: Please provide the specific research papers or relevant sources that you would like to be included in the references, and I will attach them accordingly.


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