Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing.
Final Project Prompt:
The final portfolio project is a three- part activity. You will respond to three separate prompts but prepare your paper as one research paper. Be sure to include at least one source per prompt, and have at least 4 citations in total.
Start your paper with an introductory paragraph.
Prompt 1 “Data Warehouse Architecture” (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a data warehouse architecture, including the various forms of data transformations needed to prepare data for a data warehouse. Also, describe in your own words current key trends in data warehousing.
Prompt 2 “Big Data” (1-2 pages): Describe your understanding of big data and give an example of how you’ve seen big data used either personally or professionally. In your view, what demands is big data placing on organizations and data management technology?
Prompt 3 “Green Computing” (1-2 pages): One of our topics in Chapter 13 surrounds IT Green Computing. The need for green computing is becoming more obvious considering the amount of power needed to drive our computers, servers, routers, switches, and data centers. Discuss ways in which organizations can make their data centers “green”. In your discussion, find an example of an organization that has already implemented IT green computing strategies successfully. Discuss that organization and share your link.
Conclude your paper with a detailed conclusion section.
The paper needs to be approximately 5-8 pages long, including both a title page and a references page (for a total of 7-10 pages). Be sure to use proper APA formatting and citations to avoid plagiarism.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 5-8 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
I need final paper, as well as a draft, for the same. All in APA standard and including cover and reference page.
Outline for the Research Paper
– Introduce the topic of data warehousing, big data, and green computing
– Provide an overview of the research paper structure
Data Warehouse Architecture (2-3 pages)
Introduction to Data Warehouse Architecture
Major Components of Data Warehouse Architecture
Data Sources
Data Extraction
Data Transformation
Data Loading
Data Storage
Data Presentation
Data Transformations in Data Warehousing
Data Cleaning
Data Integration
Data Transformation
Data Aggregation
Key Trends in Data Warehousing
– Discuss current trends in data warehousing, such as cloud-based data warehousing, real-time data integration, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Big Data (1-2 pages)
Introduction to Big Data
Understanding the Demands of Big Data
– Discuss the characteristics of big data, such as volume, variety, velocity, and veracity.
Example of Big Data Usage
– Share a personal or professional example of how big data has been used and its impact on the organization.
Demands on Organizations and Data Management Technology
– Discuss the challenges organizations face in handling big data, including data storage, processing, analysis, and privacy concerns.
Green Computing (1-2 pages)
Introduction to Green Computing
Making Data Centers “Green”
Energy-Efficient Hardware
Virtualization and Consolidation
Efficient Cooling Systems
Renewable Energy Sources
Example of Successful Implementation of Green Computing
– Provide an example of an organization that has implemented green computing strategies in their data centers and discuss their success.
– Include a link to a relevant source.
– Summarize the key points discussed in each section
– Reflect on the importance of data warehousing, big data, and green computing in modern organizations
– Provide a closing thought or recommendation
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