Students may choose to research any topic covered in PSY 150 and compose a 5-7 page paper on the selected topic. The 5-7 pages must be content- this does NOT include your Title page and References page. NO ABSTRACT page is needed. You MUST have an APA formatted Title page, References page, and in text citations. Use the APA format checklist I have given you, to help you.

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Students may choose to research any topic covered in PSY 150 and compose a 5-7 page paper on the selected topic. The 5-7 pages must be content- this does NOT include your Title page and References page. NO ABSTRACT page is needed. You MUST have an APA formatted Title page, References page, and in text citations. Use the APA format checklist I have given you, to help you.

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Students may choose to research any topic covered in PSY 150 and compose a 5-7 page paper on the selected topic. The 5-7 pages must be content- this does NOT include your Title page and References page. NO ABSTRACT page is needed. You MUST have an APA formatted Title page, References page, and in text citations. Use the APA format checklist I have given you, to help you.
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All papers must be written in APA format, with an APA formatted Title Page and Reference page.

see attachment for information on the requirement for the paper submission.


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