Write two words for each of the following phonetic alphabets, and then choose one sound of the word and write both manner and place of articulation of the sound. For example, /θ/= think Place of articulation: velar Manner of articulation = stop /ð/= /ʧ/= /ʒ/= /ʤ/=

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Write two words for each of the following phonetic alphabets, and then choose one sound of the word and write both manner and place of articulation of the sound.

For example,

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Write two words for each of the following phonetic alphabets, and then choose one sound of the word and write both manner and place of articulation of the sound. For example, /θ/= think Place of articulation: velar Manner of articulation = stop /ð/= /ʧ/= /ʒ/= /ʤ/=
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/θ/= think

Place of articulation: velar

Manner of articulation = stop






/ð/ = this

Place of articulation: dental

Manner of articulation: fricative

/ʧ/ = chair

Place of articulation: postalveolar

Manner of articulation: affricate

/ʒ/ = vision

Place of articulation: postalveolar

Manner of articulation: fricative

/ʤ/ = judge

Place of articulation: postalveolar

Manner of articulation: affricate

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