Which lane contains the sample with the smallest fragments? (2.5 pts) Which lane contains the sample with the largest fragments? (2.5 pts) As indicated in your lab manual, gel electrophoresis can be used for paternity testing purposes. In the gel image provided, lane 1 represents the mother and lane 2 represents the child. Lanes 3-5 are possible fathers. Based on this information, which sample is most likely to be from the father? Why did you come to this conclusion?


  • Which lane contains the sample with the smallest fragments? (2.5 pts)
  • Which lane contains the sample with the largest fragments? (2.5 pts)
  • As indicated in your lab manual, gel electrophoresis can be used for paternity testing purposes. In the gel image provided, lane 1 represents the mother and lane 2 represents the child. Lanes 3-5 are possible fathers. Based on this information, which sample is most likely to be from the father? Why did you come to this conclusion? (5 pts)

  •  Gel Electrophoresis Analysis for Paternity Testing: Identifying the Father


    Gel electrophoresis is a widely used technique in molecular biology that allows for the separation and analysis of DNA fragments based on their size. It has various applications, including paternity testing. In this essay, we will analyze a gel image provided to determine the lane that contains the sample with the smallest and largest DNA fragments. Furthermore, we will identify the most likely father based on the given information.

    Analysis of Gel Image

    To identify the lane with the sample containing the smallest fragments, we need to observe the gel image and assess the migration pattern of the DNA samples. In gel electrophoresis, DNA fragments migrate through the gel towards the positive electrode based on their size, with smaller fragments moving faster and traveling a greater distance (Pavel & Vasile, 2012). By comparing the migration distances, we can determine the size of the DNA fragments in each lane.

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    Which lane contains the sample with the smallest fragments? (2.5 pts) Which lane contains the sample with the largest fragments? (2.5 pts) As indicated in your lab manual, gel electrophoresis can be used for paternity testing purposes. In the gel image provided, lane 1 represents the mother and lane 2 represents the child. Lanes 3-5 are possible fathers. Based on this information, which sample is most likely to be from the father? Why did you come to this conclusion?
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    Similarly, to identify the lane with the sample containing the largest fragments, we look for the samples that have migrated the shortest distance on the gel. These samples represent DNA fragments that are larger in size and thus migrate more slowly.

    Based on the gel image, we can visually examine the migration pattern of the DNA fragments in each lane and determine the lane with the smallest and largest fragments. It is important to note that without the actual image, I cannot provide specific lane numbers. However, I can guide you on how to interpret the gel image.

    Determining the Most Likely Father

    In paternity testing, the goal is to identify the father by comparing the child’s DNA profile to that of the potential fathers. In this case, we have the mother’s DNA in lane 1 and the child’s DNA in lane 2. Lanes 3-5 represent the possible fathers.

    To determine the most likely father, we need to analyze the gel image and compare the banding patterns of the DNA fragments (Bailey, 1994). If the father is indeed the biological father of the child, we would expect to see a pattern where the child’s DNA fragments align with the father’s DNA fragments.

    The key factor to consider is the presence or absence of specific DNA fragments in the child that match those in the potential fathers. By comparing the banding patterns of the child and the potential fathers, we can identify the father based on the presence of shared DNA fragments.

    If a potential father has specific DNA fragments that are absent in the child, it would strongly indicate that he is not the biological father. Conversely, if a potential father has DNA fragments that align with those in the child, it suggests a higher likelihood of paternity.


    Gel electrophoresis is a valuable tool for paternity testing, as it enables the comparison of DNA fragment sizes and the identification of shared DNA fragments between the child and potential fathers. By analyzing the gel image, we can determine the lane with the sample containing the smallest and largest fragments.

    To identify the most likely father, we compare the DNA banding patterns of the child with those of the potential fathers (Dykes et al., 1981). The presence or absence of specific DNA fragments in the child compared to the potential fathers provides crucial information to determine paternity.

    While I cannot provide specific results without access to the gel image, I encourage you to carefully analyze the gel image and compare the banding patterns to arrive at a conclusion regarding the most likely father.


    Bailey, W. C. (1994). A Longitudinal Study of Fathers’ Involvement with Young Children: Infancy to Age 5 Years. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 155(3), 331–339. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221325.1994.9914783

    Dykes, D. D., Polesky, H. F., & Cox, E. (1981). Isoelectric focusing of Gc (vitamin D binding globulin) in parentage testing. Human Genetics, 58(2), 174–175. https://doi.org/10.1007/bf00278705 

    Pavel, A., & Vasile, C. (2012). PyElph – a software tool for gel images analysis and phylogenetics. BMC Bioinformatics, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-13-9 


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