Current Trends in Corrections
In a 1350-1600-word essay analyze two current practice or policy trends of your choice in corrections. Your assignment should:
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In a 1350-1600-word essay analyze two current practice or policy trends of your choice in corrections. Your assignment should: Identify two current practice or policy trends in corrections then examine how the trends are different than the practices or policies they replace. Analyze the current trends — how are they supposed to work and how are they an improvement over the previous practices or policies Assess the effectiveness of the trends using scholarly research.
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- Identify two current practice or policy trends in corrections then examine how the trends are different than the practices or policies they replace.
- Analyze the current trends — how are they supposed to work and how are they an improvement over the previous practices or policies
- Assess the effectiveness of the trends using scholarly research.
Current Trends in Corrections: An Analysis of Two Prominent Practices
Corrections systems are constantly evolving to address the challenges and complexities of managing offenders and promoting rehabilitation. In this essay, we will examine two current practice or policy trends in corrections and analyze how they differ from previous approaches. We will also explore their intended mechanisms for improvement and assess their effectiveness based on scholarly research.
Trend 1: Evidence-Based Practices
One significant trend in corrections is the adoption of evidence-based practices (EBPs). Traditional correctional approaches often relied on intuition, personal experience, and subjective decision-making (Evidence-based Practices (EBP) | National Institute of Corrections, n.d.). However, the emergence of EBPs emphasizes the use of scientific research to guide decision-making processes within the correctional system.
EBPs are designed to enhance outcomes by identifying and implementing strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness through rigorous evaluation. This trend moves away from reliance on ineffective practices and seeks to replace them with evidence-supported interventions. By using research-based methods, corrections professionals can make more informed decisions and allocate resources more efficiently.
The effectiveness of EBPs has been extensively studied. A meta-analysis by Lipsey and Wilson (2001) found that correctional programs based on sound evidence yielded a 10% reduction in recidivism compared to programs without such evidence. Similarly, a study by Lowenkamp et al. (2017) revealed that the use of EBPs in community corrections led to a 12% reduction in recidivism rates. These findings support the notion that EBPs can contribute to more successful outcomes in corrections.
Trend 2: Rehabilitation and Reentry Focus
Another current trend in corrections is a shift towards a rehabilitation and reentry focus. Traditionally, the dominant approach to corrections emphasized punishment and incapacitation, with limited attention given to addressing the underlying causes of criminal behavior or preparing offenders for successful reintegration into society.
The rehabilitation and reentry focus recognizes that facilitating positive behavioral change and providing comprehensive support during and after incarceration can reduce recidivism rates (Hunter et al., 2015). This trend aims to provide offenders with educational, vocational, and therapeutic opportunities to develop essential skills and address criminogenic needs.
Compared to previous practices, this trend represents a more holistic and individualized approach to offender management. It acknowledges that treating offenders solely as passive recipients of punishment is insufficient and can perpetuate a cycle of reoffending. By promoting rehabilitation and reentry, corrections systems seek to transform offenders into law-abiding and productive members of society.
Various studies have shown the potential effectiveness of rehabilitation and reentry programs. A comprehensive meta-analysis conducted by Wilson et al. (2017) demonstrated that programs emphasizing cognitive-behavioral treatment and relapse prevention were associated with significant reductions in recidivism rates. Furthermore, a study by Latessa et al. (2016) found that offenders who participated in reentry programs had lower recidivism rates compared to those who did not engage in such programs. These findings highlight the positive impact of rehabilitation and reentry initiatives on reducing criminal recidivism.
Assessment of Effectiveness
While evidence-based practices and a rehabilitation and reentry focus are promising trends in corrections, it is essential to assess their overall effectiveness. Several studies have demonstrated positive outcomes associated with these trends, indicating their potential to reduce recidivism rates and improve offender outcomes (Cannonier et al., 2020). However, it is important to recognize that the implementation of these practices and policies can vary across jurisdictions, and contextual factors can influence their success.
Moreover, evaluating the effectiveness of these trends requires long-term follow-up and rigorous research designs. Corrections systems must continually monitor and evaluate the impact of EBPs and rehabilitation programs to ensure they align with best practices and deliver the desired outcomes.
The two current trends in corrections, evidence-based practices and a rehabilitation and reentry focus, represent significant departures from traditional approaches. By emphasizing the use of research to guide decision-making and prioritizing offender rehabilitation and successful community reintegration, these trends aim to enhance the effectiveness of correctional systems. Scholarly research has consistently shown the potential for these trends to reduce recidivism rates and improve offender outcomes. However, ongoing evaluation and adaptation are necessary to optimize their impact and ensure their continued success in corrections.
Cannonier, C., Burke, M. G., & Mitchell, E. A. (2020). The Impact of a Reentry and Aftercare Program on Recidivism. The Review of Black Political Economy, 48(1), 93–122.
Evidence-based Practices (EBP) | National Institute of Corrections. (n.d.).
Hunter, B. A., Lanza, A. S., Lawlor, M. W., Dyson, W., & Gordon, D. M. (2015). A Strengths-Based Approach to Prisoner Reentry. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(11), 1298–1314.×15576501