1. After reading Chapter 11, think about what informative speech topic you may want to choose. YOUR TOPIC CAN BE ANYTHING! For example, perhaps you’ve been to Argentina and you want to give an informative speech about that country. Or, you visited Memphis and want to discuss that city. Just make sure the topic is informational in nature. (Write at least 50 about your speech topic)



1. After reading Chapter 11, think about what informative speech topic you may want to choose. YOUR TOPIC CAN BE ANYTHING! For example, perhaps you’ve been to Argentina and you want to give an informative speech about that country. Or, you visited Memphis and want to discuss that city. Just make sure the topic is informational in nature. (Write at least 50 about your speech topic)

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1. After reading Chapter 11, think about what informative speech topic you may want to choose. YOUR TOPIC CAN BE ANYTHING! For example, perhaps you’ve been to Argentina and you want to give an informative speech about that country. Or, you visited Memphis and want to discuss that city. Just make sure the topic is informational in nature. (Write at least 50 about your speech topic)
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2. Also make sure to identify some potential topics for your persuasive speech. Informative is 5-6 minutes and persuasive is 5-6 minutes.

2. Using your learning in textbook Chapter 11, find at least three credible sources for your speech topic using the St. Petersburg College Library Databases.

St. Petersburg College Library Search

3. Using your learning in textbook Chapter 12, write an outline for your speech using the Speech Outline Template document.

Speech Outline Template (.docx)

4. Using your prepared materials and visual aid, record yourself delivering your informative speech. It should be between 5-6 minutes. Be sure to site all sources used for your presentation (during the speech). This will be phrased in the following formats: “According to an article from, blah blah” or possibly “In the Journal of _______, the researchers found that blah blah.”

Revel Communication: Principles for a Lifetime, 7e

By Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe, Diana K. Ivy


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