Part 1: Work through the Two-Machine Project Exercises 6 and 7. These exercises will show you how to set a baseline, update the project with actual progress, identify variances, and take corrective actions. Download the following Project Exercise documents. Project Exercise 6: Setting Baselines, Performance Monitoring, and Corrective Action Plans MS Project Exercise 5 Finish Exercise 6 Starter File.mpp Project Exercise 7: Reports in MS Project MS Project Exercise 6 Finish.mpp

Table of Contents

This week you will complete software exercises to monitor and control traditional and Agile/Scrum projects. You will also present the results of your work in an MS Word essay formatted in APA style.

Part 1: Work through the Two-Machine Project Exercises 6 and 7. These exercises will show you how to set a baseline, update the project with actual progress, identify variances, and take corrective actions. Download the following Project Exercise documents.

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Part 1: Work through the Two-Machine Project Exercises 6 and 7. These exercises will show you how to set a baseline, update the project with actual progress, identify variances, and take corrective actions. Download the following Project Exercise documents. Project Exercise 6: Setting Baselines, Performance Monitoring, and Corrective Action Plans MS Project Exercise 5 Finish Exercise 6 Starter File.mpp Project Exercise 7: Reports in MS Project MS Project Exercise 6 Finish.mpp
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Order Essay
  • Project Exercise 6: Setting Baselines, Performance Monitoring, and Corrective Action Plans
    • MS Project Exercise 5 Finish Exercise 6 Starter File.mpp
  • Project Exercise 7: Reports in MS Project
    • MS Project Exercise 6 Finish.mpp


The following link contains resources that will help you get started in Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Project Training

Part 2: Use MS Excel to create and interpret a burndown chart used to monitor and control Agile/Scrum projects. The videos below will help you understand how to calculate and create burndown chart metrics.

  • Burndown Chart

When finished, use the Week 6 Assignment Template to present the project in an APA formatted manner with appropriate APA formatted figures etcetera.

Submit the following this week.

  • Your MS Project file at the end of Exercise 7 with your name in the filename (i.e., YourNameWeek6MSProject).
  • Your Excel file with the burndown chart calculations with your name in the filename (i.e., YourNameWeek6BurndownChart).
  • Your MS Word YourNameWeek6AssignmentTemplate file, (i.e., YourNameWeek6AssignmentTemplate).

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