In order to help produce a well-developed memo you have decided to call your team together, your classmates, to brainstorm ideas from which you can choose to complete the memo. Brainstorming is a technique that seeks to collect a myriad of ideas about a problem in an effort to find a unique and often innovative way of handling the solution.


The Director of Operations has asked the team to prepare a memo presenting a short diagnosis of the recent problems that the introduction of new technology has caused in the packaging department. “It is important,” she says to you, “to get to the bottom of the problems to improve efficiency within the department and the company. We must contain the source.”

In this memo you will address the following ideas:

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In order to help produce a well-developed memo you have decided to call your team together, your classmates, to brainstorm ideas from which you can choose to complete the memo. Brainstorming is a technique that seeks to collect a myriad of ideas about a problem in an effort to find a unique and often innovative way of handling the solution.
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  • the methods of collecting data for OD analysis
  • the conclusions are drawn from the data
  • a complete statement of the diagnosis

In order to help produce a well-developed memo you have decided to call your team together, your classmates, to brainstorm ideas from which you can choose to complete the memo. Brainstorming is a technique that seeks to collect a myriad of ideas about a problem in an effort to find a unique and often innovative way of handling the solution.

  • The memo needs to be 3-4 pages in length.
  • Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are expected NOT to use contractions in writing this assignment.
  • Include tables, charts, clipart, etc. for data and to visualize your strategies.
  • You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned by reviewing this link:
  • You may not use books as source material.
  • All in-text citations should provide the page number or paragraph number.



To: Director of Operations 

From: [Your Name], [Your Position] 

Subject: Diagnosis of Recent Problems Caused by Introduction of New Technology in the Packaging Department


The purpose of this memo is to present a short diagnosis of the recent problems that have arisen in the packaging department due to the introduction of new technology. The analysis aims to identify the sources of the problems and provide insights to improve efficiency within the department and the company as a whole.

Methods of Collecting Data for OD Analysis

In order to conduct an effective Organizational Diagnosis (OD) analysis, various data collection methods were employed. These methods included:

Surveys: An anonymous survey was distributed among the employees in the packaging department to gather their perspectives on the problems they have encountered since the implementation of new technology. The survey included questions related to the ease of use, training, system reliability, and the impact on productivity.

Interviews: Key stakeholders, including employees, supervisors, and managers in the packaging department, were interviewed to gain a deeper understanding of the issues they have faced (Nyanchoka et al., 2019). These interviews provided valuable qualitative insights into the challenges, frustrations, and specific areas where the new technology has caused disruptions.

Observations: Direct observations were conducted in the packaging department to witness the operational processes and workflows firsthand. This allowed for the identification of any bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and potential issues arising from the new technology’s implementation.

Performance Metrics: Existing performance metrics, such as production output, error rates, and employee productivity, were analyzed before and after the introduction of the new technology. By comparing these metrics, it was possible to assess the impact of the technology on the department’s overall performance.

Conclusions Drawn from the Data

Based on the data collected through surveys, interviews, observations, and performance metrics analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Insufficient Training: A significant number of employees reported a lack of adequate training on the new technology. Insufficient training has led to a knowledge gap, resulting in confusion and frustration among the employees. As a result, they are unable to utilize the technology to its full potential, leading to decreased efficiency and productivity.

System Reliability Issues: Several employees raised concerns about the reliability of the new technology. Frequent system crashes, slow response times, and technical glitches have hindered the smooth functioning of the packaging department. These reliability issues have not only caused delays but have also increased the error rates in packaging operations.

Inadequate User Interface: The user interface of the new technology has been cited as a source of difficulty for many employees. The interface is not intuitive, leading to confusion and errors during operation (Darejeh & Singh, 2013). A poorly designed interface increases the learning curve for employees and impedes their ability to adapt to the technology effectively.

Resistance to Change: Some employees have demonstrated resistance to the implementation of new technology. This resistance stems from fear of job displacement, lack of familiarity with technology, and concerns about job security. This resistance has created a negative attitude towards the new technology, hampering its acceptance and integration into daily operations.

Diagnosis Statement

After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that the recent problems in the packaging department are primarily caused by a combination of factors, including insufficient training, system reliability issues, inadequate user interface, and resistance to change. These issues have resulted in decreased efficiency, increased error rates, and overall dissatisfaction among employees.


In order to address the identified problems and improve efficiency within the packaging department and the company, the following recommendations are proposed:

Enhanced Training Programs: Develop comprehensive training programs to ensure that all employees receive sufficient training on the new technology. The training should cover both basic and advanced features, focusing on improving employees’ understanding and proficiency in utilizing the technology effectively.

Technical Support and Maintenance: Allocate resources to provide regular technical support and maintenance for the new technology (Rojek et al., 2023). This will help address system reliability issues, reduce downtime, and minimize disruptions in packaging operations. Regular updates and bug fixes should also be implemented to enhance system stability.

User Interface Improvement: Collaborate with the technology vendor to improve the user interface of the new technology. By making the interface more intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing, employees will be able to navigate the system more efficiently, reducing errors and frustration.

Change Management and Communication: Implement a change management strategy to address employees’ resistance to change. This includes transparent communication about the benefits of the new technology, job security assurances, and opportunities for upskilling and retraining. Encourage employee involvement in the decision-making process to foster a sense of ownership and engagement.


In conclusion, the recent problems in the packaging department can be attributed to a combination of factors, including insufficient training, system reliability issues, inadequate user interface, and resistance to change. By implementing the recommended strategies, the department can overcome these challenges, improve efficiency, and create a more positive work environment. It is imperative to address the root causes of these problems to ensure the successful integration of new technology and enhance overall organizational performance.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information or clarification.


[Your Name] 

[Your Position]



Nyanchoka, L., Smith, C. T., Porcher, R., & Hren, D. (2019). Key stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences with defining, identifying and displaying gaps in health research: a qualitative study protocol. BMJ Open, 9(8), e027926. 

Rojek, I., Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, M., Piechowski, M., & Mikołajewski, D. (2023). An Artificial Intelligence Approach for Improving Maintenance to Supervise Machine Failures and Support Their Repair. Applied Sciences, 13(8), 4971. 


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