You are expected to prepare a written response to the essay task below. In doing so you will be provided with a template with a set of questions designed to improve you critical thinking and research skills in preparation of your response to the actual essay task. You are expected to find your own five (5) sources from the list of journals below.


You are expected to prepare a written response to the essay task below. In doing so you will be provided with a template with a set of questions designed to improve you critical thinking and research skills in preparation of your response to the actual essay task. You are expected to find your own five (5) sources from the list of journals below. All of your academic articles must come from this list. You can draw from as many of these journals as you wish. You must use Harvard referencing style. Using the template posted below, you should present your essay with an introduction, a carefully considered logical argument, a clear critical position and an appropriate conclusion. Please do not use any sub-headings in your essay as they interrupt the flow of argument.

Based on theory and evidence, critically analyze why the classical view of project management is increasingly criticized for being insufficient for practice and outline potential improvements

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You are expected to prepare a written response to the essay task below. In doing so you will be provided with a template with a set of questions designed to improve you critical thinking and research skills in preparation of your response to the actual essay task. You are expected to find your own five (5) sources from the list of journals below.
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Critically Analyzing the Insufficiency of the Classical View of Project Management and Outlining Potential Improvements


Project management is a critical discipline for achieving successful outcomes in various industries. However, the classical view of project management, which emphasizes a linear and rigid approach, is increasingly criticized for its insufficiency in practice. This essay critically analyzes the limitations of the classical view of project management, supported by theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. Furthermore, potential improvements will be outlined to address these limitations and enhance project management practices.

Inflexibility and Lack of Adaptability

The classical view of project management is often criticized for its inflexible and rigid nature. Traditional methodologies, such as the Waterfall model, emphasize a sequential process with predefined phases, leaving little room for adaptation and change. This approach becomes problematic in dynamic and complex project environments (Ruel et al., 2010). For instance, the lack of adaptability fails to address uncertainties, stakeholder dynamics, and evolving requirements.

Limited Stakeholder Collaboration

Classical project management methodologies often overlook the importance of stakeholder collaboration and active involvement throughout the project lifecycle. Stakeholders, including clients, team members, and end-users, possess valuable insights and expertise that can contribute to project success (R. Dwivedi PhD, 2021). Neglecting stakeholder collaboration can result in misalignment, reduced satisfaction, and increased project risks.

Inadequate Risk Management

The classical view of project management does not provide comprehensive approaches for identifying and managing risks. This approach tends to focus on risks with a high probability of occurrence, neglecting potential low-probability but high-impact risks. Additionally, risk management in classical project management often lacks continuous monitoring and mitigation strategies, leading to unexpected project failures.

Inefficiency in Resource Allocation

Traditional project management methodologies may not effectively address resource allocation challenges. The classical view often assumes that resources are readily available throughout the project, leading to inefficiencies and delays. In reality, resource constraints and competing priorities require dynamic allocation strategies to optimize resource utilization and mitigate bottlenecks.

Limited Emphasis on Continuous Improvement

The classical view of project management tends to prioritize project completion rather than learning and continuous improvement. This approach may overlook valuable opportunities for knowledge transfer and lessons learned, hindering organizational learning and future project success. Without a focus on continuous improvement, organizations risk repeating mistakes and missing out on valuable insights.

Potential Improvements

Agile Methodologies: Adopting agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, can address the limitations of the classical view. Agile approaches emphasize iterative and incremental development, allowing for flexibility, adaptability, and stakeholder collaboration (Al-Saqqa et al., 2020). Agile methodologies also provide mechanisms for continuous improvement through regular retrospectives and feedback loops.

Integrated Risk Management: Implementing comprehensive risk management frameworks, such as the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Risk Management Professional (RMP) certification, can enhance risk identification, assessment, and mitigation practices. Emphasizing proactive risk management throughout the project lifecycle enables project teams to address uncertainties effectively and minimize potential negative impacts.

Dynamic Resource Management: Applying resource management techniques, such as resource leveling or critical chain method, helps optimize resource allocation and utilization. Project managers can ensure efficient resource allocation, reduce bottlenecks, and improve project timelines by considering resource constraints and dependencies.

Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration: Adopting stakeholder engagement models, such as the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) spectrum, fosters active involvement and collaboration. Regular communication, feedback mechanisms, and participatory decision-making processes empower stakeholders and align their expectations with project goals.

Lessons Learned and Knowledge Management: Incorporating formal processes for capturing and disseminating lessons learned promotes organizational learning and continuous improvement. Establishing knowledge repositories, conducting post-project reviews, and encouraging knowledge sharing enhance project teams’ capabilities and prevent the repetition of mistakes.


The classical view of project management, characterized by rigidity and limited adaptability, faces criticism for its insufficiency in practice. However, by embracing agile methodologies, integrated risk management, dynamic resource allocation, stakeholder collaboration, and knowledge management, organizations can overcome these limitations and improve project management practices. Implementing these potential improvements can enhance project outcomes, increase stakeholder satisfaction, and foster a culture of continuous improvement within organizations. Project managers and organizations must adapt to evolving project environments and embrace modern approaches to navigate complex projects effectively.


Al-Saqqa, S., Sawalha, S., & Abdel-Nabi, H. (2020). Agile Software Development: Methodologies and Trends. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(11), 246. 

Dwivedi, R., PhD. (2021). Role of Stakeholders in Project Success: Theoretical Background and Approach. ResearchGate. 

Ruel, H. J. M., Bondarouk, T., & Smink, S. (2010). The Waterfall Approach and Requirement Uncertainty. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, 1(2), 43–60. 


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