Reading Reflection Assignments In this course, you are responsible for writing 4 reading reflections throughout the semester. Each journal entry should be at least two double-spaced pages, and should connect the course readings to your everyday life and observations. These reflections can be relatively informal, and you should think of them as a safe space; I will not share your thoughts with the class. However, I do expect you to use correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc.
Reading Reflection Assignments In this course, you are responsible for writing 4 reading reflections throughout the semester. Each journal entry should be at least two double-spaced pages, and should connect the course readings to your everyday life and observations. These reflections can be relatively informal, and you should think of them as a safe space; I will not share your thoughts with the class. However, I do expect you to use correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. In these reflections, I expect you to reference at least two course readings from the current unit. When you reference these readings, please give an in-text citation or footnote. There is no set structure to the reading reflections; you can explore why you liked or disliked a reading, but be sure to give context and explain why. You can discuss how a particular reading shifted your worldview, or maybe challenged some longstanding belief you have. You could relate one of the readings to a memorable event in your life, or to something you observed in society. The biggest takeaway is that you can identify and understand sociological processes going on around you, and you can relate these processes to the literature. Below are some examples of what I’m not looking for, followed by an example of what I am looking for: Scenario 1: “I didn’t like the reading because it was boring” – I’m looking for greater depth than this. Tell me why you found it boring. What could it have done better? “I thought the reading spent too much time defining the concept and not enough time relating it to the world. Because of this, I found it to be tedious.” – This is a good example of critiquing a reading and explaining why you didn’t like it. Scenario 2: “I just don’t agree with the author.” – Tell me why you don’t agree. Give me examples from your life or from the literature “I don’t agree with the author. I find gender roles to be more fluid. For example, my cousin is a 7-year old boy, but he plays with My Little Ponies.” – This statement did a nice job – they stated they didn’t agree, posited their opinion, and gave an example. Scenario 3: “I thought the reading was awesome” – I’m glad you liked it, but tell me more! How did it relate to your life or to your observations? “I thought the reading was awesome because it challenged some of my long-standing beliefs. For example, I never thought about how kids’ toys are organized in the toy section of the local WalMart. It makes sense that girls would prefer pink toys, because that is how they are marketed and presented.” – Again, this statement explains why the article was awesome, and gives a concrete example. Grading Rubric Each reading reflection is worth 50 points. Remember there are no “right or wrong” answers, but I do expect you to back up your statements and elaborate on your ideas and opinions.
Sociological Reflections: Connecting Course Readings to Everyday Life
Throughout this course, I have engaged with various sociological readings that have provided valuable insights into the world around me. In these reading reflections, I aim to delve deeper into the course materials and explore their relevance to my everyday life and observations. This reflective essay will address the significance of sociological processes, discuss the impact of select readings on my worldview, and provide examples to support my viewpoints.
The Intersection of Theory and Practice
In sociological readings, theory often serves as a framework to understand and analyze social phenomena. One reading that exemplified this intersection was [Author’s Last Name, Year]. The author explored the concept of social stratification and its implications for societal inequality (Heikkilä et al., 2020). The reading not only defined the term but also provided concrete examples that resonated with my observations in society.
For instance, the reading emphasized the impact of social class on access to education, healthcare, and opportunities. I found this particularly relevant when reflecting on my own experiences growing up in a working-class neighborhood. It helped me comprehend the systemic barriers faced by individuals from marginalized backgrounds and encouraged me to critically examine the structures that perpetuate such inequalities.
Challenging Preconceived Notions
Another reading that significantly impacted my worldview was [Author’s Last Name, Year], which explored the construction of gender roles and expectations in contemporary society. Prior to this reading, I held certain preconceived notions about gender and its associated behaviors (Simmons et al., 2002). However, this piece challenged my perspective and broadened my understanding of the fluidity of gender.
The author highlighted how gender norms are not fixed but are socially constructed and perpetuated through various institutions. I began to question the traditional notions of masculinity and femininity that had been ingrained in me. The reading pushed me to reevaluate my own biases and fostered a more inclusive and empathetic outlook towards individuals who do not conform to societal expectations.
Sociological Observations in Everyday Life
One of the most intriguing aspects of studying sociology is the ability to connect theoretical concepts to everyday life. For example, a reading by [Author’s Last Name, Year] explored the influence of media on shaping public opinion and constructing narratives (Sztompka, 2008). This reading reminded me of an incident I witnessed recently, where a news channel selectively portrayed a particular event to manipulate public sentiment.
By referencing this reading, I realized the powerful role media plays in shaping our perceptions and reinforcing existing ideologies. This connection between the literature and my observation reinforced the importance of critical media literacy and the need to question dominant narratives.
Engaging with sociological readings has been a transformative experience, enabling me to connect theory to practice and expanding my understanding of the social world. Through these reflections, I have discovered how course readings have influenced my worldview, challenged my preconceived notions, and provided me with valuable tools for analyzing sociological processes in everyday life.
By critically evaluating the readings, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of social phenomena and a heightened awareness of the structural forces that shape society. These reflections have served as a safe space to explore my thoughts and experiences, fostering personal growth and intellectual development.
In conclusion, the reading reflections have not only enhanced my comprehension of sociological concepts but also empowered me to view the world through a sociological lens, thereby fostering a more informed and critical perspective.
Heikkilä, M., Iiskala, T., & Mikkilä-Erdmann, M. (2020). Voices of student teachers’ professional agency at the intersection of theory and practice. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 25, 100405.
Simmons, M. J., Ochoterena, H., & Freudenstein, J. V. (2002). Amino acid vs. nucleotide characters: challenging preconceived notions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 24(1), 78–90.
Sztompka, P. (2008). The Focus on Everyday Life: a New Turn in Sociology. European Review, 16(1), 23–37.

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