Read Case study: Google’s Handling of the Echo Chamber Manifesto Answer each of the following questions with 120 to 150 words:

Read Case study: Google’s Handling of the Echo Chamber Manifesto

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Read Case study: Google’s Handling of the Echo Chamber Manifesto Answer each of the following questions with 120 to 150 words:
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  • Answer each of the following questions with 120 to 150 words:
  • Provide references in APA Format
  1. Legally, Google’s firing of Damore may or may not be problematic, but is Google’s firing of Damore ethical?
  2. Would you have made the same decision if you were Pichai?
  3. Is it ethical for an organization to fire someone who expresses beliefs that don’t align with the overall culture?
  4. Do efforts towards a more diverse work culture stifle employees from speaking out? What can leaders do to avert this potential outcome?

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