1 ~ 2 page of summary of a research (conference) paper All research papers must be an actual published research paper or technical paper in English. Paper that is published 20years ago is not counted as good content for the summary.


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All research papers must be an actual published research paper or technical paper in English.

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Forty Years of Resilience: A Survey of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem

The research paper titled “Forty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem: A Brief Survey” by Mumtaz and Ping provides a comprehensive overview of the RSA public key cryptosystem. The RSA algorithm is widely used as a robust encryption/decryption and digital signature scheme in various technologies worldwide. Despite being in use for four decades, the RSA cryptosystem has successfully withstood numerous attacks.

The paper aims to survey the historical advancements of RSA, present the current state of the algorithm, and highlight the upcoming challenges that require thorough analysis and countermeasures against potential threats based on its underlying algebraic structure.

The authors discuss previous studies that have explored vulnerabilities and attacks on the RSA cryptosystem. These attacks involve investigating weaknesses in the relaxed model using weak public/private keys, tackling the integer factorization problem, and targeting specific low parameter selection vulnerabilities. While these flaws may not significantly compromise the overall security of the RSA cryptosystem, they provide insights into the underlying mathematics and improper parameter selection, contributing to a deeper understanding of the algorithm.

The paper provides a brief survey of past findings regarding attacks on RSA, along with detailed descriptions of specific attack techniques. The authors conclude that a well-implemented RSA algorithm remains unbreakable and has successfully defended against numerous cryptanalytic attacks over the past forty years.

In summary, the research paper offers an overview of the historical and current state of the RSA cryptosystem, highlighting its resilience against attacks. By examining past vulnerabilities and attacks, the paper contributes to a better understanding of the underlying mathematical principles and parameter selection in RSA.


Mumtaz, M., & Ping, L. (2019). Forty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem: A brief survey. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 22(1), 9-29.https://doi.org/10.1080/09720529.2018.1564201 


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