Media report about Brexit


You are required to identify a concept (which is Brexit) that is discussed in the readings/lecture in a media report. The report must be in English and available online. It must have been published on, or after. March 10, 2019.

PLEASE NOTE: A media report is one that appears online for the general public. Articles on news websites like CNN, BBC, Vice News, Fox News or general websites like Apple News, Yahoo, Slate etc. are fine. Peer-reviewed journal articles, blog posts, and government reports are EXCLUDED from this assignment.

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Media report about Brexit
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Your report should be between 400 and 600 words (generally 2 double-spaced pages). It should have the following components:

A. Title in this format “[Your concept(s) here] in the media”

B. First paragraph defining and explaining the concept

C. Second paragraph summarizing the events/processes described in the media report

D. Three to five paragraphs showing how the concept is related to the events/processes

E. Final paragraph describing your personal response to the media report

F. URL of the media report



Brexit in the Media


Brexit is a widely discussed concept that has dominated media headlines and public discourse since the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union. This essay aims to explore the relationship between Brexit and the events/processes described in a media report titled “Brexit Deal Finally Reached: UK and EU Reach Historic Agreement,” published on March 11, 2019, on CNN’s website.


The media report provides a comprehensive summary of the historic agreement between the UK and the EU regarding the terms of their future relationship. It highlights the arduous negotiations that took place between the two parties, ultimately resulting in a deal that addressed crucial aspects such as trade, immigration, and regulatory frameworks (Goodman & Narang, 2019). The report emphasizes the significance of this agreement in shaping the post-Brexit landscape.


The concept of Brexit intertwines with the events and processes described in the media report in several ways. Firstly, Brexit itself is the catalyst for the negotiations and the subsequent agreement. It represents the UK’s desire to assert its sovereignty and reshape its relationship with the EU. The report highlights how this desire for autonomy fueled extensive discussions, reflecting the complex nature of disentangling a country from a long-standing union.


Secondly, the media report sheds light on the economic implications of Brexit (Bastos & Mercea, 2017). It discusses the trade arrangements outlined in the agreement, aiming to mitigate potential disruptions and establish a framework for future collaboration. Brexit has significant economic consequences for the UK, as it impacts trade partnerships, investment flows, and the overall business environment. The report acknowledges the challenges faced in balancing economic priorities while ensuring national autonomy.


Moreover, the media report touches upon the social and political ramifications of Brexit. It discusses the implications for immigration policies, which were a key concern for both the UK and the EU. Brexit has fueled debates surrounding national identity, multiculturalism, and the movement of people across borders. The report highlights how the agreement attempts to address these concerns while safeguarding the rights of citizens on both sides.


Furthermore, the media report demonstrates the ongoing nature of Brexit. Despite the historic agreement reached, many issues remained unresolved, requiring continuous negotiations and cooperation between the UK and the EU (Krzyzanowski, 2019). Brexit represents a complex and evolving process, with implications reaching far beyond the economic sphere. The media’s coverage of these developments plays a crucial role in informing the public and shaping public opinion.


In conclusion, the concept of Brexit has been extensively discussed in the media, including the media report analyzed in this essay. Brexit’s impact on politics, economics, and social dynamics is intricately connected to the events and processes described in the report. Understanding the relationship between Brexit and these events is essential for comprehending the multifaceted nature of the UK’s departure from the European Union.



Bastos, M. T., & Mercea, D. (2017). The Brexit Botnet and User-Generated Hyperpartisan News. Social Science Computer Review, 37(1), 38–54. 

Goodman, S. J., & Narang, A. (2019). “Sad day for the UK”: The linking of debates about settling refugee children in the UK with Brexit on an anti‐immigrant news website. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(6), 1161–1172. 

Krzyzanowski, M. (2019). Brexit and the imaginary of ‘crisis’: a discourse-conceptual analysis of European news media. Critical Discourse Studies, 16(4), 465–490. 


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