Locate the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment. Using the outline, you developed, the information from the annotated bibliography, and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper that synthesizes all three articles from the Module 5 annotated bibliography with the two (or more) topically-related, empirical articles you selected. Do that by including the following:

Locate the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment. Using the outline, you developed, the information from the annotated bibliography, and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper that synthesizes all three articles from the Module 5 annotated bibliography with the two (or more) topically-related, empirical articles you selected. Do that by including the following:

  1. A statement of at least three common themes addressed in all of the articles.
  2. A statement of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles? Focus specifically on how leadership behavior influences leadership results. How might identity, worldview, and socio-cultural group membership influence the behaviors that effective leaders exhibit?

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Locate the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment. Using the outline, you developed, the information from the annotated bibliography, and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper that synthesizes all three articles from the Module 5 annotated bibliography with the two (or more) topically-related, empirical articles you selected. Do that by including the following:
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