please respond to leticia with 250 words Rhythmicity: I scored at a 3 somewhere in between because for the most part I like to be on a set schedule when it comes to the times I eat, sleep, and do chores. My cousin scored at a 1 (low) because she does not like to be on a set schedule, she likes to do things when she wants. I like to have my day planned and organized as much as I can, it varies from do to day which makes my cousin and I very different in this area.


please respond to leticia with 250 words

Rhythmicity: I scored at a 3 somewhere in between because for the most part I like to be on a set schedule when it comes to the times I eat, sleep, and do chores. My cousin scored at a 1 (low) because she does not like to be on a set schedule, she likes to do things when she wants. I like to have my day planned and organized as much as I can, it varies from do to day which makes my cousin and I very different in this area.

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please respond to leticia with 250 words Rhythmicity: I scored at a 3 somewhere in between because for the most part I like to be on a set schedule when it comes to the times I eat, sleep, and do chores. My cousin scored at a 1 (low) because she does not like to be on a set schedule, she likes to do things when she wants. I like to have my day planned and organized as much as I can, it varies from do to day which makes my cousin and I very different in this area.
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Activity level: I rated high in activity (5). I am busy daily and am always on the move. I always jump from one activity to another and enjoy being active. My cousin rated low in activity. She does not like to keep busy and is not an active person whatsoever. We also differ in this area as I am a very active person and she is not.

Approach withdrawal: I rated at a 4 in approach. I do well in new situations and enjoy meeting new people. I have no issue approaching anyone, I am very friendly. My cousin also rated a 4. She does fairly well in new situations and with new people. She is not a shy person and will approach people. My cousin and I are pretty similar in this are and both like to meet new people.

Persistence: I rated a 3. I am persistent when I have to be. I will keep at something that is important to me. My cousin rated at high persistence. She focuses on one thing at a time and is determined on what it is she may be doing, for example a puzzle. The difference between my cousin and myself is she is determined to get something done that is placed in front of her whatever it may be, as for myself I am only determined to get something done if its something may make a difference or if I find an interest.

Adaptability: I adapt quickly. I adapt very well to change , in fact I enjoy change very much. My cousin adapts to certain changes such as moving but not in following new rules. I welcome change in my life, as for my cousin certain changes in her life can be quite hard for her to adjust to.

Quality of mood: I’d like to say for the most part I’m in a good mood (positive). My cousin is always in a bad mood (negative). She loves to complain about everything and nothing seems to make her happy. I stay happy as long as I have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. As stated in the text

Distractibility: If I am in the middle of doing something that requires me to be focused and I hear a noise or something exciting is going on it will definitely take my attention away from what I am doing. My cousin is easily distracted and has a short attention span. Like the text says my cousin has “difficulty in concentrating and difficulty paying attention when engaged in an activity” (Allard & Hunter, Temperament Continuum).

Threshold of responsiveness: People don’t have to work hard to get my attention and I respond quickly. For my cousin it takes a firm voice to get her attention otherwise she just ignores you.

Intensity of reaction: I am definitely not a drama queen when it comes to my reactions good or bad. I believe I am a mellow person. My cousin is a big drama queen and overreacts to anything that happens good or bad. I always do my best to remain calm in any situation and my cousin will do the complete opposite of that. My cousin has intense negative emotions and strong reactions (Allard & Hunter, Temperament Continuum).

My cousin annoys me because you can’t reason with her. She is disobedient and makes it very hard to be around her. She loves to talk back and give people a hard time.



Exploring Temperamental Contrasts: Understanding Differences in Relationships


Temperament plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s personality and behavior. In this essay, we will examine the distinct differences in temperament between two individuals, highlighting their varying traits and how they impact their relationship. By delving into each temperament aspect, such as rhythmicity, activity level, approach withdrawal, persistence, adaptability, mood, distractibility, threshold of responsiveness, and intensity of reaction, we can gain insights into the dynamics of their interactions.


Rhythmicity refers to an individual’s preference for routine and structure. While one individual, let’s call her Leticia, thrives on a set schedule, her cousin prefers a more flexible approach. Leticia enjoys planning and organization, whereas her cousin embraces spontaneity, leading to differences in their day-to-day lives (Vangelisti, 2004).

Activity Level

Leticia is a highly active person, constantly engaged in various activities, while her cousin prefers a more relaxed lifestyle with less physical activity. This difference in activity level can lead to varied interests and engagement in shared activities.

Approach Withdrawal

Both Leticia and her cousin exhibit similar approach withdrawal traits, being comfortable in new situations and open to meeting new people (Adams, 2020). Their shared ability to adapt socially allows them to navigate unfamiliar environments with ease.


Leticia demonstrates moderate persistence, focusing on tasks that are meaningful to her. In contrast, her cousin exhibits high persistence, showing intense determination in completing specific tasks. This divergence in persistence levels can influence their motivation and dedication in different situations.


Leticia readily embraces change and adapts well to new circumstances. However, her cousin finds it challenging to adjust to certain changes, especially when it involves following new rules. This disparity in adaptability can impact their responses to transitions and modifications in their lives.


Leticia generally maintains a positive mood, finding contentment in her daily experiences. On the other hand, her cousin tends to have a negative outlook, often expressing dissatisfaction and complaining. These contrasting moods can affect the overall atmosphere and interactions within their relationship.


Both individuals are prone to distraction to some extent. While Leticia may get sidetracked by external stimuli, her cousin struggles more with concentration and paying attention during activities. Their varying levels of distractibility can affect their ability to focus on shared tasks or conversations.

Threshold of Responsiveness

Leticia is highly responsive, readily attentive to others and quick to react. In contrast, her cousin requires a firmer approach to capture her attention, often ignoring subtler cues. This divergence in responsiveness can influence their communication dynamics and the ease with which they engage with one another.

Intensity of Reaction

Leticia possesses a calm demeanor, responding to events with a level-headed approach. However, her cousin tends to be a drama queen, displaying intense negative emotions and exaggerated reactions (Kocic, 2017). This disparity in emotional intensity can create challenges in their relationship, especially in situations where conflict arises.


Understanding the temperamental differences between Leticia and her cousin sheds light on the complexities of their relationship. By acknowledging and appreciating these variations, they can strive for better communication, empathy, and compromise. Ultimately, embracing these differences can strengthen their bond and facilitate a more harmonious connection.


Adams, P. (2020). Dimensions of Human Behavior Book. Brandman. 

Kocic, S. (2017). Emotions in Contemporary TV Series. 

Vangelisti, A. (2004). Handbook of family communication. Utexas. 


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