1. Examples: No money- tell your employees how good of a job they are doing (when they have deserved it), employee of the month and gets a parking space right up front. list 4 ways that you would empower or motivate your employees if you had no money (so no bonuses or monetary rewards). Then list 4 ways you would empower or motivate your employees if you had unlimited money to use on your employees.

Table of Contents


1. Examples: No money- tell your employees how good of a job they are doing (when they have deserved it), employee of the month and gets a parking space right up front. list 4 ways that you would empower or motivate your employees if you had no money (so no bonuses or monetary rewards). Then list 4 ways you would empower or motivate your employees if you had unlimited money to use on your employees.

2. For this assignment, students will use the CDC Prevention Status Reports (https://wwwn.cdc.gov/psr/?state=Illinois) to create a short powerpoint presentation. Students will choose one of the top ten public health issues listed and create a powerpoint WITH voice over on the issue. The powerpoint should cover the following:

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1. Examples: No money- tell your employees how good of a job they are doing (when they have deserved it), employee of the month and gets a parking space right up front. list 4 ways that you would empower or motivate your employees if you had no money (so no bonuses or monetary rewards). Then list 4 ways you would empower or motivate your employees if you had unlimited money to use on your employees.
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1. What is the issue?

2. Why is it an issue?

3. What are the statistics showing in the state of Illinois on the issue?

4. How can we as community members do to prevent this issue?

5. What specifically can health educators do to work in preventing the issue?

3. From the YouTube video clips Below, post examples that illustrate the 6 assumptions of the structural frame. You must have at least Three examples from each video clip. Example: “Structures must be designed to fit an organization’s current circumstances.

Before the 20’s, it was very expensive to make cars and therefore, the cars were expensive to buy. Because of the depression no one, except the extremely wealthy, could buy a car. Ford knew that if he was going to make the car accessible to everyone he was going to have to figure out a way to lower the costs of producing the cars. He brought in Taylor and they came up with the assembly line. This allowed cars to be produced more quickly and at a lower cost




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