In a well thought out and composed essay, illustrate how this theme is evoked through Irvings use of setting (day/night, historical period-French Rev/Reign of Terror, Germany/France), character (Wolfgang, Woman, Police Officer), imagery(catacombs, decay, storm), and symbols (guillotine, overturn statue Henry IV-“head of State).


Washington Irving is an American Romantic writer whose short stories often reflect the movement away from Enlightenment thinking with its insistence on the authority of Reason and its ability to verify objective reality to Romantic views that assert the power of the imagination and the emotion to create its own (subjective) reality.

In the short story “Adventure of the German Student”, Irving evokes the theme of the power of the imagination over reason in creating its own reality.

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In a well thought out and composed essay, illustrate how this theme is evoked through Irvings use of setting (day/night, historical period-French Rev/Reign of Terror, Germany/France), character (Wolfgang, Woman, Police Officer), imagery(catacombs, decay, storm), and symbols (guillotine, overturn statue Henry IV-“head of State).
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In a well thought out and composed essay, illustrate how this theme is evoked through Irvings use of setting (day/night, historical period-French Rev/Reign of Terror, Germany/France), character (Wolfgang, Woman, Police Officer), imagery(catacombs, decay, storm), and symbols (guillotine, overturn statue Henry IV-“head of State).

For example, in regard to characters, they may be seen as representing this theme with the Woman as representing Imagination and a subjective reality and the Police officer as representing Reason with his certainty of the woman’s history and the way he tests reality through the physical senses in the end. Wolfgang, the student, may represent the movement from Reason to Imagination in the action of the story.

Link to short story, “Adventure of the German Student” –Irving

Link (Links to an external site.) link to book


The Power of Imagination over Reason in Washington Irving’s “Adventure of the German Student”


Washington Irving, an American Romantic writer, embraced the ideals of the Romantic movement by exploring the power of imagination and emotions in creating subjective realities. In his short story “Adventure of the German Student,” Irving skillfully evokes the theme of the imagination’s dominance over reason. This essay will analyze how Irving employs various literary elements such as setting, characters, imagery, and symbols to convey this theme.


Irving’s choice of settings plays a vital role in accentuating the power of imagination over reason. Firstly, the contrasting periods of the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror provide a backdrop of social and political turmoil, which heightens the atmosphere of uncertainty and allows the imagination to thrive (Devlin, 1979). The chaotic historical context serves as a fertile ground for subjective realities to emerge, challenging the objective nature of reason.

Moreover, the dichotomy between day and night in the story reinforces the theme. In the daylight, Wolfgang, the German student, adheres to reason and rationality. However, as darkness falls, the boundaries between reality and imagination blur. Nighttime becomes a realm where imagination reigns supreme, empowering Wolfgang to transcend reason and embrace the unknown.


The characters in “Adventure of the German Student” embody the conflict between reason and imagination. Wolfgang, the protagonist, represents the movement from reason to imagination. Initially guided by rationality, he becomes captivated by the mysterious woman, symbolizing the allure of the imaginative realm (Devlin, 1979). Wolfgang’s journey highlights the transformation from the certainty of reason to the uncertainty of the subjective reality created by the imagination.

The woman in the story embodies the power of imagination and subjective reality. She exists as an enigma, defying reason and historical accuracy. Her ability to evade the confines of rationality allows her to captivate Wolfgang and draw him into her world of illusion.

On the other hand, the police officer symbolizes reason and its reliance on physical senses to test reality. He questions the woman’s history and insists on objective verification, contrasting with Wolfgang’s surrender to the imaginative realm (Hoffman, 2009). The conflict between the police officer and the woman further emphasizes the tension between reason and imagination.


Irving employs vivid imagery to evoke the theme of imagination’s triumph over reason. The catacombs, with their subterranean labyrinth and decaying corpses, represent the depths of the human psyche. This macabre imagery not only symbolizes the fragility of reason but also serves as a physical manifestation of the imaginative realm. The catacombs become a metaphorical landscape where subjective realities take shape, overpowering reason’s authority.

The storm that arises during Wolfgang’s encounter with the woman intensifies the atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos (Devlin, 1979). The raging tempest reflects the turbulent emotions within Wolfgang’s mind, blurring the line between reality and imagination. The storm acts as a catalyst, pushing Wolfgang further into the realm of the imagination.


Irving skillfully employs symbols to reinforce the theme of imagination’s ascendancy over reason. The guillotine, a potent symbol of the French Revolution and its reign of terror, represents the ultimate triumph of subjective reality over reason. It signifies the power of the collective imagination, capable of reshaping the political and social landscape. The guillotine serves as a reminder that reality is not solely determined by reason but can be influenced by the imagination.

The overturning of the statue of Henry IV, a prominent historical figure, represents the dethroning of reason and the embrace of subjective realities (The Adventure of the German Student, n.d.). The decapitated “head of State” serves as a metaphor for the decapitation of reason itself, making way for the reign of the imagination. It symbolizes the transformative power of the imagination to redefine reality.


Through skillful use of setting, characters, imagery, and symbols, Washington Irving effectively evokes the theme of the power of the imagination over reason in “Adventure of the German Student.” The contrasting historical periods, the enigmatic characters, vivid imagery, and potent symbols all contribute to the exploration of subjective realities and the dominance of imagination. Irving’s story serves as a testament to the Romantic movement’s departure from Enlightenment thinking and its celebration of the imaginative realm as a powerful force in shaping one’s perception of reality.


Devlin, J. J. (1979). Irving’s “Adventure of the German Student.” Western Civilization, 7(1), 92–95. 

Hoffman, T. (2009). Irving’s ADVENTURE OF THE GERMAN STUDENT. Explicator. 

The Adventure of the German Student. (n.d.). 


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