Discuss major issues (economics, demographics, technology, etc.) related to public health and global issues relevant to nursing practice Discuss the differences between the impact of specific diseases and health threats on developed and developing countries Analyze the impact of politics, religion, and socioeconomic factors on the prevention and treatment of diseases and health threats.

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Discuss major issues (economics, demographics, technology, etc.) related to public health and global issues relevant to nursing practice Discuss the differences between the impact of specific diseases and health threats on developed and developing countries Analyze the impact of politics, religion, and socioeconomic factors on the prevention and treatment of diseases and health threats.
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  • Discuss major issues (economics, demographics, technology, etc.) related to public health and global issues relevant to nursing practice
  • Discuss the differences between the impact of specific diseases and health threats on developed and developing countries
  • Analyze the impact of politics, religion, and socioeconomic factors on the prevention and treatment of diseases and health threats.


  • The summary should be no more than one full-typed page;
  • The discussion and analysis should be between 2-3 pages;
  • An introduction and conclusion are required.
  • APA format, at least two references

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