Free health care should be available to all people. After all, if that were the case, it would benefit everyone. Character education should be part of the public school system in the United States. We need to cultivate integrity in our children, and the public school system should play a role in this important process. Although many societies have practiced human sacrifice, human sacrifice wasn’t considered wrong, even though we believe it is wrong in our culture. So, human sacrifice within those cultures wasn’t really wrong.
Determine which ethical perspective is primarily reflected in each of the arguments below and, in 1-2 sentences for each argument, explain why it corresponds to the ethical perspective you selected..
Ethical Perspectives:
A = Consequentialism
B = Duty Ethics/Deontology
C = Virtue Ethics
D = Moral Relativism
Free health care should be available to all people. After all, if that were the case, it would benefit everyone.
Character education should be part of the public school system in the United States. We need to cultivate integrity in our children, and the public school system should play a role in this important process.
Although many societies have practiced human sacrifice, human sacrifice wasn’t considered wrong, even though we believe it is wrong in our culture. So, human sacrifice within those cultures wasn’t really wrong.
Same-sex marriage is right because the polls show that most Americans favor it, even if that is not the case in other countries.
The legalization of same-sex marriage is wrong because the government has no right to legally sanction any form of personal relationship except one: marriage relationships between a man and a woman. That is the only type of relationship that can lead to procreation, and the state has a legitimate interest in procreation. Thus, the state has a duty to support marriage between a man and a woman, and a duty to refrain from getting legally involved in other types of relationships.
Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was wrong because those acts violated the right to life of many innocent people, and we should protect those rights.
Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was right because those acts ended the war faster, and thus made the world a safer place.
We need to do a background check and to collect some character references on Mr. Jones before we hire him.
He doesn’t have the right character and temperament to be a state governor. He has been involved in corruption scandals, known to be dishonest, and has problems controlling his anger.
Sure, slavery is wrong in our society because we all agree it’s wrong. However, slavery isn’t absolutely wrong because many societies have practiced slavery.
Ethical Perspectives and Their Application in Moral Reasoning: A Comprehensive Analysis
Ethical Perspective: A = Consequentialism
This argument reflects a consequentialist perspective because it emphasizes the potential benefits that would result from free healthcare for all people. Consequentialism focuses on the consequences or outcomes of actions, and in this case, the argument suggests that providing free healthcare would lead to overall benefits for everyone.
Ethical Perspective: C = Virtue Ethics
The argument corresponds to virtue ethics because it highlights the importance of cultivating integrity in children (Reyes, 2015). Virtue ethics places emphasis on developing virtuous character traits and moral values, and in this argument, character education is seen as a means of fostering integrity in individuals.
Ethical Perspective: D = Moral Relativism
This argument reflects moral relativism because it suggests that the moral judgment of human sacrifice varies across cultures. Moral relativism posits that moral principles and values are relative to individual or cultural beliefs, and in this argument, the practice of human sacrifice is seen as acceptable within certain cultural contexts (Foundations for Moral Relativism, n.d.).
Ethical Perspective: D = Moral Relativism
Explanation: This argument aligns with moral relativism as it appeals to the majority opinion in the United States to justify the rightness of same-sex marriage. It implies that the moral evaluation of same-sex marriage can vary between countries, emphasizing the relativity of moral judgments based on cultural norms.
Ethical Perspective: B = Duty Ethics/Deontology
This argument reflects duty ethics or deontology because it emphasizes the duty of the state to support and sanction specific forms of personal relationships, namely marriage between a man and a woman. Duty ethics focuses on the inherent moral duties and obligations individuals or institutions have, and in this case, the argument asserts a duty of the state to prioritize procreation and regulate relationships accordingly.
Ethical Perspective: B = Duty Ethics/Deontology
This argument corresponds to duty ethics or deontology because it highlights the violation of the right to life of innocent people resulting from the atomic bombings. It asserts that protecting rights is a moral duty, and the act of dropping the atomic bombs is seen as morally wrong due to the violation of the right to life.
Ethical Perspective: A = Consequentialism
This argument reflects consequentialism as it focuses on the potential positive consequences of dropping the atomic bombs. It suggests that ending the war faster and creating a safer world justifies the act, emphasizing the consequentialist perspective that evaluates actions based on their outcomes.
Ethical Perspective: B = Duty Ethics/Deontology
This argument corresponds to duty ethics or deontology because it emphasizes the moral duty to gather information about Mr. Jones before making a hiring decision (Roby, n.d.). It suggests that performing background checks and collecting character references is a responsible and morally obligatory action before hiring someone.
Foundations for Moral Relativism. (n.d.). Google Books.
Reyes, J. (2015). LoóbandKapwa: An Introduction to a Filipino Virtue Ethics. Asian Philosophy, 25(2), 148–171.
Roby, B. (n.d.). Virtue Ethics, Deontology, and Consequentialism. Eagle Scholar.

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