ENGL 101C image analysis essay

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Please submit a 5 full page (minimum) and/or 1700-word (minimum) Image Analysis Essay. Include a correctly formatted works cited list on the last page of the essay, and also include a copy of the image(s) you’re analyzing on a page after the works cited list.

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ENGL 101C image analysis essay
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this time you are performing a close reading and rhetorical analysis of key formal strategies evident in an image or image set you self-select for its ability to make a given argument to the viewer.

Your task is to assess how and how well argument is or is not conveyed in image. You should be using the annotation work you’ve already submitted to the course for this image to help you generate possible lines of description, inquiry, and critique for this new analysis of argument strategy.

It is very important that you analyze an image that is attempting to make a clear argument about something because it’s that argument whose visual strategies you’ll be assessing and critiquing.


What should become clear during your writing work is that image-making deploys a language that’s quite similar to words and sentences in many ways, and can be read and critiqued for its rhetorical values in the same way that written language can.

You should be drawing on the critical thinking and reading strategies as well as the key argument and image analysis terminology you’ve learned from Practical Argument and the other support resources provided in Units 1 & 2 of our course to help you focus your image analysis work here.

Please remember to integrate the new ways of looking at and talking about visual media you’ve learned from Chapter 3 of Practical Argument but also from the external website links for analyzing image I placed in this unit’s instructional materials.


Note once again the paragraph patterns I’m looking for in this assignment:

  • The introduction attempts to contextualize the evaluation of image to follow by introducing the source imagery along with summarizing its primary focus, argument and visual characteristics for the reader
  • The thesis formulation at the end of the opening paragraph lays out a clear subjective evaluation of argument strategy and form in the image(s), but not an evaluation of the ideas or positions themselves
  • The internal body paragraphs all follow the same pattern:
    • Open with a subjective argument claim that’s linked to the thesis but is not simply a summary description of the image or its formal strategies
    • Illustrate and support that subjective claim about the success or failure of a given argument strategy in the image with careful close descriptions of key visual aspects of the image and explanation to tie the description back to your paragraph’s topic argument as well as to the essay’s thesis focus
    • Close with a concluding statement that reiterates the main positions taken in the paragraph and transitions us to the next paragraph discussion after it

Your essay should follow these structural patterns.


  • Write only in the present tense, even when speaking of a text that has been written in the past: write “the author says,” NOT “the author said”
  • Write only in the 3rd person (use: he, she, it, they, the authors, the reader, etc.). DO NOT use me, I, you, or your anywhere in your essay – submissions that do not follow this rule will be returned ungraded and marked down a full letter grade
  • Fully introduce and describe the work(s) you’re analyzing before you begin your analysis
  • Reference specific aspects of your image(s) to support your discussion – body paragraphs that do not offer direct, parenthetically cited references to image will not be credited toward your required essay page total. See this Citing Imagery page from the Resource Center to help you reference your images correctly. You must have at least ONE direct reference to your image or image set in EVERY body paragraph excluding the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
  • Be specific in your argumentation: Develop a sound main argument in your first paragraph that revolves around a single set of points you wish to make about the argument structure in the imagery you’re examining


  • 5 full pages of writing OR 1700 words (minimum) (not counting the works cited list and copy of the image(s) you’ll insert at the end of your essay)
  • 12 pt double spaced text
  • Times font only
  • 1″ margins on all four sides
  • Page numbers in the bottom right corner of each page (using the auto pagination tool)
  • Required works cited list (should be on its own page after the conclusion of the essay text and is not included in the 5 full pages and/or 1700 word minimum)
  • Required copy of the image(s) you’re analyzing in the essay (should be on its own page after the works cited list)
  • File type: DOC / DOCX only
  • Reference specifics in your source image at least once in every body paragraph

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