Identify the classification of four primate species. Describe postcranial anatomical features of four primate species. List and describe patterns of social interaction in a primate species. Describe patterns of habitat use in a primate species. Describe conservation threats in a primate species.

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Identify the classification of four primate species. Describe postcranial anatomical features of four primate species. List and describe patterns of social interaction in a primate species. Describe patterns of habitat use in a primate species. Describe conservation threats in a primate species.
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  • Identify the classification of four primate species.
  • Describe postcranial anatomical features of four primate species.
  • List and describe patterns of social interaction in a primate species.
  • Describe patterns of habitat use in a primate species.
  • Describe conservation threats in a primate species.



  • Download this Word document.
  • Follow the directions, and complete each section. Write directly onto the Word document.
  • Save, attach, and submit your completed Word document by the stated deadline. Your assignment should be submitted as a Word document (.doc or .docx format) on Blackboard (Unit 3 “Unit3VideoExtraCredit”) by Sunday, March 29, 1159PM. Give it the filename: LASTNAME_VIDEOPRIMATE.docx (or.doc).




  1. Primate Taxonomy and Conservation (4pts): Platyrrhini: Primates represent a diverse order of organisms that share many critical aspects of their cranium, teeth, postcrania, behavior, and sociality. Many species are endangered or critically endangered.  What is being done to address the threats these species encounter?


Watch this video:

Mini Monkeys of Brazil:


  1. For golden lion tamarins, identify their: scientific genus and species; what continent(s) it inhabits; and approximate intermembral index. Describe in 3-5 sentences any features of its postcranial anatomy that relate to its habitat use or positional behavior.  Be sure to identify its primary form of locomotion that it does.
  2. Choose one other species mentioned in the video, and repeat the instructions for A) for this second species.
  3. Describe in 5-6 sentences one conservation measure that is being taken to address a primate conservation issue in Brazil.
  4. Social Organization /Ad libitum notes (4 pts): Cercopithecoidea: All primates live in social groups in which individuals regularly communicate and interact with each other. The patterns of social interaction (i.e., social organization) include behaviors that promote social bonds (affiliative behaviors), contested social behaviors (agonistic behaviors), and much more.

Watch this video about crested black macaques (Macaca nigra): The Monkey With a Thousand Faces:

  1. Describe in 4-7 sentences each an example of one agonistic social interaction that you observed.
  2. Describe in 4-7 sentences each an example of one affiliative social interaction that you observed.


  • Ecology (4 pts): Cercopithecoidea: Ecology is how species interact with their environment. In primate ecology, we examine habitat use, diet, and patterns of interaction among different species.

Watch this video about one habitat, the rain forest of Korup: “Secrets of an African Jungle.” (Note: this is a classic 1986 video, and the clarity has begun to suffer)

  1. Compare and contrast the diet and the vertical use of space in three species of primates of Korup. Budget about 6-7 sentences for this section.
  2. Describe in 4-7 sentences an example of how any two (or more) species communicate/interact with each other.


  1. Communication (4 pts): Hylobatidae: Communication, Conservation: Listen to this podcast: Podcast: Episode 113: Gibbons, their Songs are Fading Fast (All Creatures Podcast). The podcast anthropomorphizes quite a bit. I wound up skimming quickly through the first 17 minutes, but then there was a lot of good information on ecology, social organization, communication, and conservation. The last six minutes provides no useful information for this exercise.  NOTE: The podcasters refer to monogamy as their social group.  Although they have a unimale/unifemale social structure, their reproductive strategy is nearly monogamous. The podcasters also refer to humans as monogamous.  We will discuss this in class.

Also, watch this short, but beautiful trailer:

  1. For Nomascus leucogenys, identify what countries it inhabits, its approximate intermembral index, and its conservation threat status. Describe in 3-5 sentences any features of its postcranial anatomy that relate to brachiation.
  2. Describe in 6-7 sentences, this species’ social organization (patterns of social interaction & numbers in group), and how their communication plays a role in their social groups.
  3. Describe in 3-5 sentences these gibbons’ social system and reproduction may affect their conservation.


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