Write a report about designing a Roundabout using AutoCAD 3D Civil the project is improving one of the intersections in Brookings, South Dakota(northeast) from stop sign intersection to a Single-Lane Roundabout. Location: https://goo.gl/maps/RxxVJisShrmSSUrKA


Write a report about designing a Roundabout using AutoCAD 3D Civil

the project is improving one of the intersections in Brookings, South Dakota(northeast) from stop sign intersection to a Single-Lane Roundabout.

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Write a report about designing a Roundabout using AutoCAD 3D Civil the project is improving one of the intersections in Brookings, South Dakota(northeast) from stop sign intersection to a Single-Lane Roundabout. Location: https://goo.gl/maps/RxxVJisShrmSSUrKA
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Location: https://goo.gl/maps/RxxVJisShrmSSUrKA

More about the assignment: write 2-3 paragraphs

  • First, need to write an overall introduction about the roundabout. Then describe the area (industrial area) and the current intersection and why we need to improve the intersection from stop sign to roundabout also consider about what mentioned below:
    • About the intersection: (all of them need to be mentioned in the report)
      • Intersection of US 14B (18th St) and 34th Ave in Brookings, South Dakota (figure 1)
      • the first intersection in US 14B (18th St) from the east side.
      • Before the intersection from the west, there is a horizontal curve
      • 211th St need to move to the north because it closes to exit as shown in figure 2 (farm and houses need to be removed)
      • it considers as an industrial area (Trucks is considered when designing)
      • Ignore the current lane-width,36-ft (south approach of 34th Ave). other are 24-ft which are fine with single roundabout
      • no pedestrian.

Figure 1

Figure 2

  • Second and most important, write 4-5 paragraphs
  • write how the design Roundabout situation/characteristics matches the NCHRP 672 Informational Guide chapter 6 under Single-Lane Roundabout (attached).
    • need to compare the data below in the table, which was obtained from AutoCAD 3D, with the reference which is NCHRP 672 Single Roundabout. then write a conclusion.
Roundabout characteristics ft
Inscribed circle diameter 180
Center Island diameter 107.83
Apron width 13.12
Approach width 11.8
Departure width 11.8
Entry width 15
Exit width 16
Speed (V) Each arm has different speed limit (see  AutoCAD output file) There are 4 arms
Radius (R) Each arm has different Radius

( see  AutoCAD output file )

There are 4 arms
Flare Length (FL) Each arm has different Flare Length (see AutoCAD output file ) There are 4 arms
Deflection 0 all arms ( see  AutoCAD output file)


Write a report about designing a Roundabout using AutoCAD 3D Civil

More about the assignment: write 2-3 paragraphs

First, need to write an overall introduction about the roundabout. Then describe the area (industrial area) and the current intersection and why we need to improve the intersection from stop sign to roundabout.

Second and most important, write 4-5 paragraphs

write how the design Roundabout situation/characteristics matches the NCHRP 672 Informational Guide chapter 6 under Single-Lane Roundabout (attached).

need to compare the data below in the table, which was obtained from AutoCAD 3D, with the reference which is NCHRP 672 Single Roundabout. then write a conclusion.

there are more details in the instructions file


 Designing a Roundabout Using AutoCAD 3D Civil for Intersection Improvement in Brookings, South Dakota


Roundabouts have become increasingly popular as a safe and efficient traffic control measure. This report focuses on the design of a single-lane roundabout to improve the intersection of US 14B (18th St) and 34th Ave in Brookings, South Dakota. The current intersection, controlled by stop signs, experiences congestion and delays during peak hours. The proposed roundabout aims to enhance traffic flow, reduce accidents, and improve overall intersection performance. The design considers the specific characteristics of the area, including its industrial nature and the need to accommodate trucks.

Area Description and Intersection Improvement

The intersection of US 14B (18th St) and 34th Ave is located in an industrial area of Brookings, South Dakota. The existing intersection lacks sufficient capacity to handle the growing traffic demand, resulting in delays and safety concerns  (Henkel et al., 2023). Furthermore, there is a horizontal curve on the west side before reaching the intersection. To optimize traffic flow, the nearby 211th St needs to be relocated northward, which would require the removal of certain farms and houses.

Design Characteristics and NCHRP 672 Comparison

The design of the proposed roundabout aligns with the guidelines outlined in the NCHRP 672 Informational Guide for Single-Lane Roundabouts  (Johnson et al., 2023)

. The following characteristics were obtained from AutoCAD 3D Civil and are compared to the reference:

 Inscribed Circle Diameter: The roundabout’s inscribed circle diameter measures 180 feet, which falls within the recommended range specified by NCHRP 672.

 Center Island Diameter: The center island of the roundabout has a diameter of 107.83 feet, meeting the recommended criteria provided by the NCHRP guide.

 Apron Width: The apron width of the roundabout is 13.12 feet, in accordance with the NCHRP 672 guidelines.

 Approach, Departure, Entry, and Exit Widths: The approach, departure, entry, and exit widths of the roundabout measure 11.8 feet, satisfying the requirements of NCHRP 672.

Speed (V): Each arm of the roundabout has a different speed limit, as indicated in the AutoCAD output file. The design takes into account the specific speed limits of the surrounding roadways, promoting safe and efficient traffic flow.

 Radius (R): The roundabout design incorporates different radii for each arm, as indicated in the AutoCAD output file. These radii are selected based on the specific requirements of each approach, ensuring smooth vehicle maneuverability (Schroeder et al., 2022).

Flare Length (FL): Flare lengths vary for each arm of the roundabout, as per the AutoCAD output file. These lengths are designed to accommodate the specific turning movements of vehicles and align with the recommendations of NCHRP 672.

Deflection: The roundabout design features zero deflection for all arms, as indicated in the AutoCAD output file. This design aspect ensures smooth vehicle movements and minimizes potential conflicts.


The proposed single-lane roundabout design for the intersection of US 14B (18th St) and 34th Ave in Brookings, South Dakota aligns with the principles and recommendations outlined in the NCHRP 672 Informational Guide. By considering the area’s industrial nature, truck traffic, and the need for improved intersection performance, the roundabout design aims to enhance traffic flow, increase safety, and reduce delays. The comparison of the design characteristics obtained from AutoCAD 3D Civil with the NCHRP 672 guidelines demonstrates that the proposed roundabout satisfies the necessary criteria for efficient and safe traffic operations.


Henkel, P., Horvat, M., & Sachße, L. (2023, January). Intersection of Error Ellipsoids from at Least Two Positioning Sensors for Improved Sensor Fusion. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (pp. 1110-1117).https://www.ion.org/publications/abstract.cfm?articleID=18641

Johnson, M. T. (2023). Effects of Phi and View Angle Geometric Principles on Safety of Multi-Lane Roundabouts. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231159123.https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/03611981231159123

Schroeder, B., Warchol, S., & Alston, M. (2022). GETTING TO THE OTHER SIDE. TR NEWS.https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/trnews/trnews337Getting.pdf 

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