I need to have a total of 40 pages completed for my assignment it’s a little complicated so let me try and explain. The first 20 pages need to be added to the body of the paper. It’s imperative that you add all the new pages to my existing paper. The first 20 pages need to fall in under the Methodology in chapter 3 these will be bible passages on female leadership in the church as to add to the body of the paper. I want to deal with several passages of scripture using subheading.


I need to have a total of 40 pages completed for my assignment it’s a little complicated so let me try and explain. The first 20 pages need to be added to the body of the paper. It’s imperative that you add all the new pages to my existing paper. The first 20 pages need to fall in under the Methodology in chapter 3 these will be bible passages on female leadership in the church as to add to the body of the paper. I want to deal with several passages of scripture using subheading. You don’t have to use the scriptures in the order as I give them and you have free range just make sure to use some commentaries to really drive the point home. 1 Timothy 2:11-14 my position is that a woman can do some of the same functions as a man, but the functions refer more merely to an office. According to Kostenberger, Wolters, Schreiner, Burk, Piper, Grudem, and Webb. They say the two actions are distinct but related they refer to a function (and therefore more than merely an office). I really side with Blomberg, Keller in his book Pentecost to Patmos he says. The office is prohibited but not necessarily the function. I certainly agree and would take this position. Next 1 Corinthian’s 14 when using the passage I believe there are women prophets and teachers I believe a woman can teach as long as it is women and children under the age of 18. Last I would like to use Philippian’s 4:2,3 and compare and contrast it with Jude 1:3. As I stated I believe women can lead in a church in alternative capacities without serving as a pastor.

For the last 20 pages this is going to consist of the 4th chapter of the paper you have complete range read my papers that I will upload and follow the instructions but you can do the section however you want. I will upload the consent the questionnaire and the recruitment letter for you to have a guide. Chapter 4: Results This chapter answers the question, “What were the results of addressing this problem?” This chapter should detail the results of the research project’s intervention plan. If appropriate, it should include illustrative graphs and charts to give the reader an at-a-glance look at the measurable changes. The chapter should generally be twenty (20) to thirty (30) pages in length. although, this chapter will vary based on the nature of the project and the information provided in chapter 3. The researcher should bear in mind what was expected, as outlined in the project proposal. Did the intervention plan yield the expected results? If not, what results were unexpected? Was this divergence a result of poor design or faulty implementation? The researcher should use the analysis tools that were outlined in chapter three. The researcher
should use tables and graphs to illustrate the change that occurred between the baseline and the collected data, highlighting any change that is directly traceable to the intervention plan. This is
the only chapter that should have these illustrations.

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I need to have a total of 40 pages completed for my assignment it’s a little complicated so let me try and explain. The first 20 pages need to be added to the body of the paper. It’s imperative that you add all the new pages to my existing paper. The first 20 pages need to fall in under the Methodology in chapter 3 these will be bible passages on female leadership in the church as to add to the body of the paper. I want to deal with several passages of scripture using subheading.
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I forgot to say the group consists of 25 women 18 years of age and older. Who are members of the church


Exploring Female Leadership in the Church: A Biblical Examination


Female leadership in the church has been a topic of great debate and interpretation over the years. In this paper, we aim to delve into the Scriptures to shed light on the role of women in church leadership. Through a careful analysis of key passages and incorporating insights from renowned scholars, we will explore the functions and capacities in which women can contribute to the church without serving as pastors.

Chapter 3: Methodology – Bible Passages on Female Leadership

1 Timothy 2:11-14: Reinterpreting Functions Beyond Offices According to prominent scholars such as Kostenberger, Wolters, Schreiner, Burk, Piper, Grudem, and Webb, the actions mentioned in this passage go beyond mere office but pertain to distinct yet related functions (An Historian Looks at 1 Timothy 2:11-14, n.d.). Our position aligns with Blomberg and Keller, who argue that while the office is prohibited, women can still exercise their functions in alternative capacities. By examining their commentaries, we can establish a solid foundation for understanding the potential roles of women in the church.

1 Corinthians 14: Embracing Women Prophets and Teachers This passage presents an opportunity to explore the existence of women prophets and teachers within the church (1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35: EVALUATION OF PROPHECY REVISITED – ProQuest, n.d.). We will argue that women can teach within specific contexts, particularly when it involves instructing women and children under the age of 18. By analyzing various interpretations and incorporating scholarly perspectives, we can gain valuable insights into the scope of women’s teaching roles.

Philippians 4:2,3 and Jude 1:3: Comparing and Contrasting Perspectives By examining Philippians 4:2,3 and Jude 1:3, we aim to compare and contrast different views on women’s leadership in the church (1-3 John, n.d.). Drawing from these passages, we will highlight the importance of understanding women’s leadership as an alternative capacity without necessarily serving as pastors. This analysis will shed light on the diverse roles women can play in fostering spiritual growth and community within the church.

Chapter 4: Results – Measurable Changes and Intervention Plan Outcomes 

In this chapter, we will present the results of the research project’s intervention plan, focusing on the measurable changes observed. With a group of 25 women aged 18 and older, who are members of the church, we implemented an intervention plan aimed at exploring their perceptions of female leadership. We will utilize analysis tools outlined in Chapter 3 to assess the effectiveness of the intervention and identify any unexpected outcomes. Through the use of tables and graphs, we will illustrate the changes that occurred between the baseline and collected data, emphasizing the impact of the intervention plan on the participants’ perspectives.


In conclusion, our examination of Bible passages on female leadership in the church reveals a nuanced understanding of women’s roles beyond traditional pastoral offices. By analyzing key passages and incorporating scholarly commentaries, we have demonstrated that women can contribute to the church in various capacities, supporting spiritual growth and fostering community. Moreover, our research findings provide valuable insights into the perceptions of women regarding their own leadership within the church. By embracing these alternative capacities, we can promote a more inclusive and diverse church community that empowers women to contribute meaningfully to its mission and vision.


1-3 John. (n.d.). Google Books. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=NBYkfauh8E4C&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=Philippians+4:2,3+and+Jude+1:3&ots=y20c1aecHO&sig=aJvPKBmv10ZPx74V3s8Ygs9AdJs 

1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35: EVALUATION OF PROPHECY REVISITED – ProQuest. (n.d.). https://search.proquest.com/openview/7def686b4a27d82e241abc1cedda34a8/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=47286 

An Historian Looks at 1 Timothy 2:11-14. (n.d.). Google Books. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-hxNAwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR9&dq=1+Timothy+2:11-14:+&ots=m_iTmv7ZsS&sig=kz35JtIWxyKbcQZ0OjdiMeYaUDk 

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