Explain how this meditation made you feel physically and emotionally. This was your second time trying this type of meditation out…………Was there a part that was hard for you to send loving kindness? Or was there a part that made you feel uncomfortable? Please share. Did you find yourself judging this meditation?


  1. Explain how this meditation made you feel physically and emotionally.
  2. This was your second time trying this type of meditation out…………Was there a part that was hard for you to send loving kindness? Or was there a part that made you feel uncomfortable? Please share.
  3. Did you find yourself judging this meditation?
  4. The guide asks you send to loving kindness to all people on this planet towards the end……..how did that make you feel?

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Explain how this meditation made you feel physically and emotionally. This was your second time trying this type of meditation out…………Was there a part that was hard for you to send loving kindness? Or was there a part that made you feel uncomfortable? Please share. Did you find yourself judging this meditation?
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