Emerging threads and counter measures

OpenFlow table architecture how it works what all the things are being used widely.

Switches functionality, uses, advantages and disadvantages.

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Emerging threads and counter measures
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Controllers functionality, uses, advantages and disadvantages.

Threats on OpenFlow, Switches and controllers.

    • Research Paper must be in APA Style
    • Research Paper must have at least 5works cited of which 2 must be peer reviewed works/articles (note your book can be included as a reference)
    • Must be at least 4 double-spaced pages
    • The Policy will be an Attachment and not count toward the 4 Page requirement
    • Graphs, illustrations and spreadsheets are allowed, but will not count toward the 4 Page requirement

We need PPT for these also

Completeness of the Topic (Policy, Processes, Action, Conclusion)

Presentation Delivery

Alignment of policy

The paper should be zero plagarism

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